Site Master Plans Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon City Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital

Numéro de sollicitation SK-SHA100051524

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2024/06/18 16:00 HAE

Date de la dernière modification


    Saskatchewan Health Authority

    The Saskatchewan Health Authority is the largest organization in Saskatchewan, employing more than 40,000 employees and physicians. Together, we are responsible for the delivery of safe, high quality health care for the entire province.

    We are driven by the commitment to improve health care for Saskatchewan people. We are working together to better co-ordinate health services across the province to ensure you receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time, and by the right provider, wherever you live in Saskatchewan.

    One provincial approach to plan and deliver health-care services will provide you with a more consistent experience overall. This is a multi-year journey, requiring the support and involvement of patients, health care providers and partners across the health system.Project Summary

    1. Saskatchewan Health Authority, on behalf of and in partnership with Ministry of Health, invites proposals for providing  Master Planning services for the Royal University Hospital (RUH), Saskatoon City Hospital (SCH) and St. Paul’s Hospital (SPH). Site Master Plans will be developed for the three Saskatoon hospitals based on defined site roles, identified distribution of services, and projected volume of service demand and bed projections which will be validated through development of site specific clinical services plans to provide appropriate context to proceed with the detailed site facility master planning tasks.


    Additional Information

     1.1 Master Planning Overview

    Master Planning goal is to present a cohesive picture of the current and future (15 year) service and site requirements for RUH, SCH and SPH. The site master plans will provide a planning framework for the SHA as they develop future programming and facility needs for potential facility developments. The Master Plans will be based on Saskatchewan’s evolving population service needs and demographics as well as consideration of changes in service delivery. Starting with the current infrastructure opportunities, aging facilities, functional and maintenance deficiencies; the project contemplates arriving at informed continuous improvement solutions that provide clarity on services as well as facility requirements that connect the existing infrastructure, through a phased approach with SHA’s long term vision for services within a capital improvement model.

    Through the master planning process an understanding of the projected future functional needs of clinical services and programs will be developed, in addition to an understanding of any areas of key operational systems and support service adjustments recommended to provide these clinical services in the future.  Where appropriate, the Master Plan will also recommend the preferred phasing/sequence of projects to align with infrastructure condition and service priorities.

    The planning horizon for the Master Plan is typically 10-15 years; beyond the 15-year horizon demographic and service projections become less reliable and a new or updated Master Plan is recommended to be developed.

    The Master Plan will support the SHA and Ministry of Health (MoH) in providing information to guide future infrastructure development priorities and assist to better ensure that future projects are consistent with the future vision and are aligned with Saskatchewan’s hea

    Durée du contrat

    La durée estimée du contrat sera de 13 mois.

    Accords commerciaux

    • Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE)

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    Organisation contractante

    Saskatchewan Health Authority
    103 Hospital Drive
    Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0W8
    Autorité contractante
    Diana Switzer
    Adresse courriel
    Détails de l'offre

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    Région(s) de livraison
    Région de l'appel d'offres
    Durée du contrat
    13 mois
    Méthode d'approvisionnement
    Concurrentielle – Invitation ouverte à soumissionner

    Soutien aux petites et moyennes entreprises

    Si vous avez des questions concernant cette occasion de marché, veuillez communiquer avec l'agent de négociation des contrats, dont les coordonnées se trouvent sous l'onglet Coordonnées.

    Consultez notre page de soutien si vous avez besoin d'aide ou si vous avez des questions sur le processus d'approvisionnement du gouvernement, y compris sur la façon de soumissionner ou de s'inscrire dans SAP Ariba. Vous pouvez également contacter Soutien en approvisionnement Canada, qui dispose de bureaux à travers le Canada.

    Date de modification: