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  • le samedi  5 octobre à 20h00 au 6 octobre à 00h00 (HAE)

Cape Forchu Sea Level Rise/Storm Surge Impact Assessment

Numéro de sollicitation CAPEFORCHUIMPACTSTUDY

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2024/08/02 15:30 HAE

    The historical Cape Forchu lighthouse owned by MoDY is a cherished landmark with cultural and historical significance. Given the escalating concerns regarding sea level rise due to climate change, there is an urgent need to assess the potential impact of rising sea levels on the Cape Forchu lighthouse and its associated infrastructure. This project is focused on the analysis of existing data in order to identify and assess the sea level rise and storm surge risks to the Cape Forchu property and provide options to mitigate those risks. Coastal Flooding, and Coastal Erosion mapping have already been completed as part of the 2013 Municipal Climate Change Action Plan and will be provided to the successful bidder. The Coastal Flooding map for Cape Forchu will be updated using the most recent Provincial LiDAR data before the project starts. This document is meant to solicit proposals from pre-qualified proponents to assess available data in order to understand the potential impact of Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge on the Cape Forchu Property and develop potential mitigation solutions. To this end it will provide the reader with an understanding of the intended content of the Cape Forchu Sea Level Rise/Storm Surge Impact Assessment and provide a methodology and key data sets to complete the project. This document references several of the Municipality’s (and some of its partners) strategic documents which must be considered when the successful proponent drafts the Cape Forchu Sea Level Rise/Storm Surge Impact Assessment. Please see the Reference Materials section for more details. The Municipality of the District of Yarmouth is seeking consulting expertise to facilitate the creation of a Cape Forchu Sea Level Rise/Storm Surge Impact Assessment, for recommendation to Municipal Council, that will provide a clear path forward. The Cape Forchu Sea Level Rise/Storm Surge Impact Assessment and recommended mitigation solutions must respect and preserve the natural and historical environment,

    Cost of acquiring documents: Not Applicable

    Terms of payment for acquiring documents: Not Applicable

    Tender notices on CanadaBuys published for Nova Scotia Public Sector Entities may not reflect amendments. For tender documents and up-to-date addenda, refer to the Nova Scotia Procurement Portal: https://procurement-portal.novascotia.ca/tenders/CAPEFORCHUIMPACTSTUDY

    For additional detail on contract duration, refer to the tender documents.

    Note that in some cases, third-party hosting platform registration and/or fees may be required to review related documents, or to submit tender responses.

    Durée du contrat

    La durée estimée du contrat sera de 7 mois.

    Accords commerciaux

    • Aucun accord commercial n'est applicable à ce processus de sollicitation

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    Organisation contractante

    Municipality of the District of Yarmouth
    932 Highway 1
    Hebron, Nova Scotia, B5A 5Z5
    Autorité contractante
    Derek Robertson
    Adresse courriel

    Organisation(s) d'achat

    Municipality of the District of Yarmouth
    Détails de l'offre

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    Type d’avis
    Durée du contrat
    7 mois
    Méthode d'approvisionnement
    Concurrentielle – Invitation ouverte à soumissionner

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    Date de modification: