Numéro de sollicitation P24-33

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2024/07/10 14:00 HAE

Date de la dernière modification

    Amendment 2 - July 10, 2024 - Fixed Formula Error in Price Submission File
    Addendum #1 - June 24, 2024 - Two Attachments

    Fredericton, the capital of the Province of New Brunswick, is located on the east coast of Canada along the banks of the St. John River (also known as the Wolastoq). Fredericton has a growing population, stable economy, strong institutions, and offers a high quality of life for its citizens. The City of Fredericton's Growth Strategy and Imagine Fredericton Municipal Plan indicated that by 2041, Fredericton's population is projected to increase by more than 50% from 60,000 to over 90,000. However, Fredericton has seen faster than anticipated growth in recent years and updated population projections now see the city at approximately 108,000 by 2041 and 114,100 by 2051.

    To accommodate the majority of this growth (approximately three quarters of the projected increase) four growth nodes were identified in the Growth Strategy for New Neighbourhood development. While three of the four growth nodes have been rapidly developing as planned, one of the areas (Uptown located in the southeast around the University of New Brunswick Endowment Lands) has not seen any development to date.

    Given development pressures, particularly on the south side, the Local Government is looking at options to make land available for residential development. Just to the east of the Uptown Growth Node is the Doak Road Area. The Local Government prepared a development plan for the Doak Road Area in 2005 (see Appendix A), and staff believe it is now necessary to update this plan. Using the original plan as a base, the update will help establish whether the Municipal Plan should be amended to relocate the second southside New Neighbourhood to the Doak Road Area.

    The Local Government is seeking proposals from a qualified consultant(s) to assist in the preparation of a Development Feasibility Study (Deliverable 1) and Secondary Municipal Plan (Deliverable 2) for the Doak Road Area. The Development Feasibility Study would look to better understand the current costs of servicing and infrastructure, while the Secondary Municipal Plan would provide a vision and policy framework for the area. The Secondary Municipal Plan (Deliverable 2) will be an option subject to the successful completion of Deliverable 1 to the satisfaction of the Local Government as well as budgetary availability.

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    Organisation contractante

    City of Fredericton
    397 Queen Street
    Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 1B5
    Autorité contractante
    Dale Curtis
    Numéro de téléphone
    1 (506) 471-2741
    Adresse courriel
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    Concurrentielle – Invitation ouverte à soumissionner

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    Date de modification: