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400 MHz NMR Console with Robotic Sample Changer

Numéro de sollicitation 44389-2a-rfp

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2024/07/03 15:00 HAE

Date de la dernière modification

    The University of Ottawa is pleased to invite qualified proponents to submit a proposal for a 400 MHz NMR Console with Robotic Sample Changer System.  

    The required infrastructure must consist of a state-of-the-art 400 MHz three-channel NMR console, and several associated essential accessories. The console should incorporate a dedicated system control unit with its own CPU for control of all radiofrequency channels, gradients, pulses, and triggers. Also required is a standard bore shim system to interface with our existing UltraShield 400 MHz standard-bore magnet. This must include an ultrastable shim current board and the bore magnet system sample transfer system for sample insertion and ejection. A fast single channel gradient amplifier, essential for rapid pulsed field gradient shimming and gradient-enhanced spectroscopy are required. A system to facilitate the regulation of sample temperatures must be integrated, providing a temperature stability of at least 10mK/K and a digital temperature sensor resolution at least 0.1°C. Requisite radiofrequency amplifiers for 1H/19F and X channels, a deuterium lock, and necessary preamplifiers must be included. The system must come with a new NMR Workstation running Windows and appropriate NMR software. A triple resonance 5 mm broadband probe optimized for X-nuclei observation with 1H and/or 19F decoupling and for 1H observation is requested. The probe should be optimized to have a minimal 19F background signal. The probe should be capable of performing variable temperature experiments in the range from at least -50 to +100° C. In order to maximize accessibility and throughput of the instrument, a 60+ position sample changer is essential to the research programs. The capabilities of this instrument must enable accurate and rapid characterization of small organic molecules containing NMR active nuclei including, but not limited to, 1H, 13C, 31P, 15N, and 19F.

    Specifications listed in Appendix A – Technical Specifications Compliance Form of this RFP are the mandatory minimum requirements for the 400 MHz NMR Console with Robotic Sample Changer System.

    Mandatory Minimum Requirements for the 400 MHz NMR Console with Robotic Sample Changer System:

    400 MHz NMR Console with Robotic Sampler Changer
    1.1 Must be a pulsed NMR spectrometer
    1.2 Must have pulsed field gradient capabilities.
    1.3 Must include a new magnet shim system for a 54 mm narrow bore magnet.
    1.4 Must have an autosampler capable of handling 60 or more samples with the spinners included.
    1.5 The autosampler must be compatible with a Bruker Ultrashielded 400 MHz magnet (D207 / 54-5060).
    1.6 Must include 2H lock capabilities.
    1.7 Must include an autotuning & matching NMR probe capable of triple resonance NMR experiments on 1H, 19F, and X (minimum range for X = 15N – 31P) for 5 mm samples.
    1.8 Must include the software needed for operating the NMR system autonomously.
    1.9 Must have 12.5 ns timing resolution or better.
    1.10 Must be capable of generating RF from 5 MHz to at least 1000 MHz.
    1.11 Must be capable of generating shaped pulses, including Waltz, Garp, and Wurst.
    1.12 As the requested equipment will be housed in a core facility with existing equipment and software, the integration of the proposed equipment and software into the current ecosystem must be feasible. Proof of integrability/compatibility must be provided and accepted by the University.  The current ecosystem consists of the folloing equipment (and software):
    • Bruker AVANCE 300 (Windows XP, Topspin),
    • Bruker AVANCE II 300 (Windows XP, Topspin),
    • Bruker AVANCE IIIHD 500 (Windows 10, Topspin),
    • Bruker AVANCE IIIHD 600 (Windows 10, Topspin & IconNMR),
    • Bruker Fourier 300 (Windows XP, Topspin),
    • Bruker AVANCE III 200 (Windows XP, Topspin), and a
    • Bruker AVANCE III 400 (Windows XP, Topspin). 
    • This list excludes the equipment to be upgraded, which is a Bruker AVANCE II 400 (Windows XP, Topspin & IconNMR) with a Bruker 5 mm autotuning BBO probe and a Bruker 5 mm DUL probe.
    2.0 Workstation
    2.1 Must include a computer workstation with Microsoft Windows 10 or later.
    2.2 Must include a minimum of 1 TB hard drive.
    2.3 Must include an ethernet port.
    2.4 Must include software and license to operate the spectrometer.

    3.0 Installation and Training
    3.1 The proposed equipment must include on-site installation and training.

    4.0 Warranty
    4.1 The proposed system must include one (1) year manufacturer’s warranty, including parts, labour, maintenance, and on-site service.

    5.0 Other
    5.1 All electrical components must have CSA (Canadian Standards Association) certification, or accepted equivalent as per Electrical Safety Authority Recognized Certification Mark at the following link: https://esasafe.com/electrical-products/recognized-certification-marks/
    Otherwise, all electrical components must be able to undergo the appliable electrical inspection, and/or, certification, without voiding the system warranty.

      Bidding and Documents are available on http://www.merx.com. Fees may apply; See https://www.merx.com/public/pricing for more information.

      Durée du contrat

      La durée estimée du contrat sera de 0 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2025/01/31.

      Accords commerciaux

      • Accord de libre-échange canadien (ALEC)
      • Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE)
      • Veuillez consulter la description ou les documents de l'appel d'offres

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      Organisation contractante

      University of Ottawa
      550 Cumberland Street
      Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5
      Autorité contractante
      Charles Gosselin
      Numéro de téléphone
      613-562-5800 x1943
      Adresse courriel
      Détails de l'offre

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      Méthode d'approvisionnement
      Concurrentielle – Invitation ouverte à soumissionner

      Soutien aux petites et moyennes entreprises

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      Date de modification: