RFP 22-18 - Owner's Engineer & Value Engineering Services

Numéro de sollicitation RFP 22-18

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2022/08/19 17:00 HAE


    RFP Overview

    The City of Prince Rupert is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced proponents to provide the services of both Owner’s Engineer and Value Engineering for the upcoming Potable Water Treatment and Submarine Waterline Replacement Project, which consists of:
    • Water Treatment Plant and Support Network Upgrades
    • SCADA Upgrades
    • Submarine Water Main Replacement
    • Overland Works - Water Main and Bridge Replacement
    The Proponents can be a single entity or a consortium, but for the purposes of this project must present themselves as a single proponent, and it is intended to provide a single contract for the services.

    Scope of Services

    The detailed scope of work for the OE and the VE is outlined in Part G of this RFP. Below is a summary of requirements.

    Owner’s Engineer:

    The Submarine Water Main design contract has been awarded and procurement of a consultant for the Overland Works design contract is underway. For these two scopes of work the OE is to review the designs and attend design review meetings to confirm designs are based on best practices and identify opportunities for optimizing the design based on the owner’s requirements and project objectives. 

    For the WTP scope the OE is responsible for preparing the owner’s statement of requirements for a design-build RFP.  The procurement methodology for the WTP requires approval by the City prior to this work proceeding.
    The OE will not act as the “Engineer of Record” for any of the scopes. 

    Problems are to be viewed as opportunities for innovative solutions, and all parties are encouraged to bring forward positive ideas during the design review meetings.  The individual design teams will take ownership of the ideas they implement, but it is in everyone’s interest to have the best ideas coming forward to improve the overall project result.

    Value Engineering:

    To achieve the best value for the City and to meet funding program requirements, the City is seeking a certified value specialist to provide VE consultant services to undertake a VE assessment, prescribing areas for potential cost savings and quality improvement opportunities. 

    Services are to be carried out with consideration being given to a focus on value to the City and the conditions outlined in the funding agreement, as noted below. 
    • the funding agreement requires completion of value engineering for the scope of work. In the early design stage, the City will retain a certified value specialist who shall be independent of the other consultants to undertake the required value engineering process,
    • the value engineering exercise must be led by certified value specialist accredited through SAVE international and must utilize a multidisciplined value team with experience and expertise relevant to the project. The City must obtain approval from the funding administrators prior to entering into a contract for value engineering services,
    • a Value Engineering exercise shall include participants representing the province, the project design engineer, along with members of the Value Team. Every effort must be made to conduct a site visit or “area tour” of the proposed project,
    • the Value Team shall prepare a draft report on the results of their analysis and hold one or more review meetings to discuss the draft results with the City and the project design engineer. Provincial staff must be included in these meetings and provided with a copy of the unedited draft report and related communications, 
    • the Value Engineering final report shall be prepared by the Value Team including recommendations and technical details. A copy of the final report must be provided to the province, 
    • the project design engineer (independent of the OE and VE scope of this RFP) shall prepare an implementation report, and provide a copy to the Province, that clarifies which of the recommendations and alternatives from the Value Engineering Exercise will be implemented with the Project. The implementation report must provide rationale for any recommendations or alternatives that will not be implemented. Updated project descriptions, cost estimates, and schedules will be included. As well, this report shall include technical clarification and justification on any recommendations that will not be fully implemented as part of the project. This report must also highlight key results of how the value engineering process optimized that investment in infrastructure including lifecycle cost and energy savings (capital and operations costs), functionality and efficiency, and resilience and reliability, and
    • the province reserves the right to consider recommendations from the VE report as new project criteria and/or scope as critical to the project.
    The VE exercise is expected to take place concurrently for all project components, although at different phases for each scope. General VE opportunities shall be identified for all project components based on the information provided as inputs to the VE exercise, including those provided in Appendix A of this RFP.
    • Water Treatment Plant and Support Network Upgrades – VE will be undertaken prior to procurement to generate ideas for development of the owner’s statement of requirements and financial considerations for the contract.
    • SCADA Upgrades – The VE is intended to occur after the Issue for Construction (IFT design) is developed.
    • Submarine Water Main – The VE is intended to follow the completion of the preliminary design report.
    • Overland Works – Water Main and Bridge Replacement –The VE is intended to follow the completion of the preliminary design report.
    Respondents are advised that the individuals identified as team members on the successful Proponent’s team, including their subconsultants, cannot be providing services as design consultants on the submarine water main or overland works design contracts. Respondents will not remain eligible to provide a proposal as a consultant or contractor to future RFPs or Tenders relating to this project.


    The anticipated project schedule is as follows, as may be amended by the City at its discretion. Time is of the essence and the value engineering work must be completed no later than Nov 10, 2022: 
    1Review of Background DocumentsAugust 2022 onwards
    2Value Engineering exercise (VE Team Scope)1
    • VE Pre-workshop presentation, VE Exercise, Presentation
    • Develop Draft VE Report
    • Decision Making Workshop
    Final VE Report

    Sept 30-Oct 20, 2022
    Oct 21, 2022
    Oct 28, 2022
    Nov 10, 2022
    3Value Engineering (OE Scope)
    Review Consultant Implementation Report

    Dec 1, 2022
    4WTP and Support Network Upgrades (OE Scope)
    • Develop owner’s statement of requirements for WTP
    TBD after City approval of procurement method, and concurrent with VE exercise
    5Submarine Water Main (OE Scope)
    • Review 30% design and cost estimate
    • Review 60% design and cost estimate
    • Review IFT Design

    Dec 16, 2022
    Dec 30, 2022
    Jan 23 2023
    6Overland Works - Water Main and Bridge Replacement (OE Scope
    • Review 30% design and cost estimate
    • Review 60% design and cost estimate
    • Review IFT Design
    TBD after the Overland Works RFP is awarded, and a schedule is confirmed

    Information Meeting

    An optional meeting for Proponents will be held at the following time and location:

    Date: July 18, 2022
    Time: 10:00am – 10:30am PST
    Location: Teams Virtual Meeting. (To join, please click on the following link :
    RFP 22-18 - Owner's Engineering & Value Engineering Information Meeting




    join by entering a meeting ID
    Meeting ID: 237 904 309 147
    Passcode: VHq3oP
     The Information Meeting will include information regarding an overview of the project and RFP requirements and an overview of the background documents. Attendance by Proponents is non-mandatory, however strongly recommended.

    Durée du contrat

    Voir la description ci-dessus pour voir tous les détails.

    Accords commerciaux

    • Veuillez consulter la description ou les documents de l'appel d'offres

    Former un partenariat avec une autre entreprise

    La fonctionnalité permettant d'ajouter le nom de votre entreprise à la liste des entreprises intéressées est temporairement indisponible.

    Cette liste ne remplace pas et n'affecte pas les procédures de l'appel d'offres pour ce processus d'achat. Les entreprises doivent tout de même répondre aux demandes de soumissions et concurrencer en fonction des critères établis. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez lire les conditions d'utilisation.


    Organisation contractante

    City of Prince Rupert
    424 3 Ave W
    Prince Rupert, British Columbia, V8J 1L3
    Adresse courriel
    424 3 Ave W
    Prince Rupert, British Columbia, V8J 1L3
    Détails de l'offre

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    Admissibilité et conditions d’utilisation

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    Type d’avis

    Soutien aux petites et moyennes entreprises

    Si vous avez des questions concernant cette occasion de marché, veuillez communiquer avec l'agent de négociation des contrats, dont les coordonnées se trouvent sous l'onglet Coordonnées.

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    Date de modification: