Cedars Bridge & Vicinity Emergency Abutment Repairs

Numéro de sollicitation R22-744

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2022/08/04 17:00 HAE

    The Regional District’s Mission Creek Greenway Regional Park was damaged during the 2022 Spring Freshet along Mission Creek, and requires repairs to the Mission Creek Greenway Trail and Right Bank Bridge Abutment Protection Works at all three bridges (Friends, Cedars, and Smoothing Stones).  The works need to be completed in accordance with environmental regulations, best management practices, and the environmental management plan.  The works to be completed are considered to be “emergency” works and are required to be completed within the fisheries timing windows for Mission Creek.

    The execution of a Contract following this RFP is subject to budget approval and permitting approval.
    Through this Request for Proposals, the Regional District of Central Okanagan invites Proposals for the construction, supply and installation of the following:
    • Construction of a temporary access along the section of Mission Creek Greenway leading to the Cedars Bridge, including a repair of a trail washout, temporary removal of four (4) boardwalks, placement of geofabric, and placement of gravel to construct a temporary construction access which will be removed upon completion of work.
    • Repair of abutment protection works and placement of streambank protection works along Mission Creek at the Mission Creek Greenway Regional Park Cedars Bridge located on the right bank.  Works will be completed in two phases: Phase 1 includes construction of a temporary access to site; and, Phase 2 includes in-stream abutment and streambank protection works.
    • Repair of abutment protection works along Mission Creek at the Mission Creek Greenway Regional Park Friends Bridge located on the right bank.
    • Repair of abutment protection works along Mission Creek at the Mission Creek Greenway Regional Park Smoothing Stones Bridge located on the right bank.
    • Bank restoration of undercut trail North of Cedars Bridge. Restoration will be completed by sloping the bank to remove undercut and installing large woody debris. Material will be sourced on site and installed at the engineer’s direction.
    Full details of the Work required is provided in Part A of this RFP.  A summary of the Work is as follows:
    Contract Time: The following are key milestone dates required for the Work:
    • The Work may commence anytime after: August 7, 2022 (commencement of in-stream work window).
    • Substantial Performance of the Work and all in-stream works must be achieved no later than:  August 23, 2022 (end of in-stream work window)
    • Total Performance of the Work must be achieved no later than 20 calendar days following Substantial Performance.
    Location: The Place of the Work is along Mission Creek Greenway, as detailed further in Part A.

    Form of Contract: The Contract placed as a result of this RFP will be the MMCD (Master Municipal Construction Documents) 2009 Unit Price Contract, together with supplementary conditions as detailed in Part C of this RFP.

    Durée du contrat

    Voir la description ci-dessus pour voir tous les détails.

    Accords commerciaux

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    Organisation contractante

    Regional District of Central Okanagan
    2803 Belgo Rd
    Kelowna, British Columbia, V1P 1E2
    Autorité contractante
    Adresse courriel
    2803 Belgo Rd
    Kelowna, British Columbia, V1P 1E2
    Détails de l'offre

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    Type d’avis

    Soutien aux petites et moyennes entreprises

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