Phase II Preliminary and Further Investigations – Kimberly Hwy SWL

Numéro de sollicitation CRA2023-R-016

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2024/01/15 11:23 HNE

Date de la dernière modification

    The City has interest in the development suitability of a property (The Property), located at 4000 Highway 95A, accessed via Corbett Road. The Property is primarily vacant, undeveloped land. Of note, the eastern portion contains a former Solid Waste Landfill (SWL) site. Adjacent to the eastern side of the former SWL site is an active rail line. The northwestern corner contains an area of exposed soil, used previously as a borrow pit for the SWL. The surrounding area is primarily undeveloped land, with garages, storage unit facilities, and highways at the outermost edges.
    The SWL was in service for 20 years, before being closed in the year 2000. A closure plan was submitted in 2002, and by 2008 the site was decommissioned and revegetated.
    As part of the closure plan, vapors and groundwater are actively monitored in six active wells, and two abandoned wells. A passive gas collection system is installed at the former landfill site, plumbed to a candlestick flare to destroy excess methane.
    Due to the intended developments proximity to the former SWL, an investigation into the extent of migrated contamination is needed. Several studies have been conducted in the past. The most recent of which was a Phase I Preliminary Site investigation conducted by Kala Geosciences LTD. During this study, no intrusive investigation, sampling, or analysis was conducted. The compiled information and findings of the Phase I Investigation are listed below:
    • A total of 10 wells are within 250m of the site, though only 8 are currently monitored. None of the wells connect to a potable water system.
    • SHA completed a groundwater study in 2020. Two of the wells showed a higher than standard concentration of lithium and fluoride. These wells have historically demonstrated higher than average concentrations of these metals.
    • Previous investigations into gas emissions in the area have been conducted, taken by EBA in 2004 and 2006.
    • In these studies, landfill gas was noted in the west and southeast portions of the SWL. These areas, 13m below the ground, displayed higher than standard vapor and methane readings.
    • This information indicates that gases may be migrating away from the site into nearby soils, and that the waste was deeper than proposed.
    The report concluded that further environmental investigation was needed, and that any future development must account for the potential of landfill gas emission.

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    Organisation contractante

    City of Cranbrook
    201 Cobham Ave W
    Cranbrook, British Columbia, V1C 4G4
    Autorité contractante
    Curtis Mummery
    Adresse courriel
    201 Cobham Ave W
    Cranbrook, British Columbia, V1C 4G4
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