NOI: 800 Ton Chiller Purchase VCH Absorption Chiller CH-1 Replacement

Numéro de sollicitation 7322

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2022/10/06 18:00 HAE

    Notice of Intent to Direct Award
    800 Ton Chiller Purchase
    Vancouver Coastal Health Absorption Chiller CH-1 Replacement

    Document Number: 010NOI22EZ

    Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (VCH) intends to enter into direct negotiations and purchase from its pre-qualified supplier Trane a suitable 800 Ton Adjustable Frequency Drive 600V 767RLA Chiller for immediate  delivery, inspection, installation and integration as part of Vancouver General Hospital’s (VGH) CH-1 1200 ton Absorption Chiller replacement Project.  The value of this purchase is between $400,000.00 and $500,000.00 plus tax.
    VCH will conduct a public tendering process calling for General Contractors in the dual systems heat recovery CH-1 replacement Project which includes works installing a 800-825 ton Chiller and an additional 400 Ton Heat Recovery Chiller.  Vancouver Coastal Health has chosen to negotiate and purchase this suitable 800 Ton Chiller directly from Trane for the following reasons:
    • The chiller plant at VGH operates 24/7 year-round to provide both space cooling for the facilities and process cooling for medical equipment such as MRI machines and CT scanners.  The Absorption Chiller (CH-1) one of the primary cooling units for the facility has failed, installed in 1991, it is at end of life;
    • CH-1 is not functional, requires significant repairs to return to operation and may fail again.  There is an opportunity to replace CH-1 which was operating at a de-rated capacity with the available Trane unit; 
    • The functional design for the CH-1 replacement Project is at or near completion. Current suitable 800-825 ton Chiller equipment lead-times and the ability to acquire, install and construct adequate cooling capacity requires immediate acquisition of this piece of equipment, or, suitable equivalent for the Project; 
    • Due to the large amount of clinical equipment on the site, cooling is required year round to ensure patient welfare, care, clinical, facility operations, systems and functions. Lack of effective cooling can potentially result in the failure of critical equipment affecting patient care throughout the hospital, including cancelled surgeries;
    • Given market conditions it’s believed other suitable replacement equipment cannot be acquired in the required time-frame, and, the available 800 Ton Chiller needs to be secured;
    • It is not in the public’s interest to repair CH-1 rather than purchase a suitable replacement unit;
    • Trane is the qualified maintenance and service provider to VGH familiar with the site operations and applications capable of delivering replacement cooling equipment for this active Acute Care campus;
    • There are synergies and savings in clinical operations, Project time and specification work that can be implemented with this purchase.  Trane has a strategic advantage delivering the equipment in the shortest timeframe which VCH needs and wants to disclose in advance to other potential suppliers able to deliver suitable equipment for installation;
    • The successful Supplier will provided the required Consent of Surety issued by a surety company registered to transact business in the Province of British Columbia;
    • The successful Supplier will provide the required insurance and assurances for equipment purchase, transit, installation, warranty which includes Comprehensive Commercial General Liability insurance coverage in an amount not less than $5,000,000.00 inclusive per occurrence against bodily injury, personal injury and property damage.
    Qualified Suppliers may submit to participate in this acquisition opportunity by challenging this Notice of Intent sending an email to Elizabeth Zhu by October 6, 2022 – 15:00 hour’s local time, providing proof of qualifications, suitable equipment in the lower mainland for evaluation, required transportation, insurance and bonding coverage, work plan and warranties related to the requirements outlined in this NOI.  Only challenges from qualified equipment suppliers will be reviewed.

    Elizabeth Zhu                                                       
    Manager, Facilities Management Procurement
    Central City Tower
    Suite 400, 13450 102nd Avenue
    Surrey, B.C. V3T 0H1

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    Organisation contractante

    Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
    Autorité contractante
    Elizabeth Zhu
    Adresse courriel
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