Complete Community Needs Strategy
Numéro de sollicitation BC188540
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2024/03/01 16:00 HNE
This is a call for proposals from consultants with relevant experience to lead the preparation of a Complete Community Needs Assessment and Strategy (The Project). This will be the first Complete Community Needs Assessment and Strategy for the community of Fort Nelson and will be incorporated with existing plans and related projects at the municipal scale. Social, transportation, and infrastructure assessments will be undertaken based on existing NRRM data and through comprehensive community engagement. Each assessment will be analyzed in relation to broad community implications and will be compiled to form a fulsome study which identifies existing community challenges and recognizes opportunities for advancing housing, transportation and daily needs in relationship to each other. Implementable actions will be part of an overarching strategy that will create synergies between systems, improving community connections and advancing the NRRM’s goals towards emissions reductions. The Project will include the review of existing relevant documents; SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats); incorporation of NRRM Regional Council vision and strategic priorities. It will have a robust, meaningful public and stakeholder engagement component to help inform policy direction, community character, and priorities. The NRRM will utilize the services of a consultant to lead The Project while NRRM staff will provide a supporting role. To view the opportunity or submit a bid, view the Bid Details at |
Durée du contrat
La durée estimée du contrat sera de 12 mois.
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Organisation contractante
- Organisation
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
- Adresse courriel
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