Boreal Caribou Monitoring Winter of 2023 to 2024
Numéro de sollicitation 176023
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2023/09/25 15:00 HAE
Date de la dernière modification
The work will take place during winter of 2023-24 and requires substantial time commitments from the successful Proponent to coordinate with the Government Contact and Fort Nelson First Nation, as well as to conduct collar deployment (Dec 2023-Feb 2024), recruitment surveys (March 2024) across all boreal ranges, and reporting. The objectives of the Ministry include: 1) deploying collars so that existing distribution gaps are filled, and so that calf:cow ratios provide an accurate representation of recruitment levels in each range; 2) updating information regarding the status of boreal caribou populations with the most recent information possible.
For the purposes of the bidding documents, it is anticipated that this program will require approximately 60 flight hours for the deployment of up to 60 collars, 70 flight hours for recruitment surveys, and 20 hours for exploratory flights. The successful vendor will provide key personnel including experienced capture and survey pilots, a netgunner, wildlife handlers, and a Registered Professional Biologist that will be the direct contact for the project. Capture work will require an AS350 helicopter (with rear pilot’s side sliding door) and surveys a Bell 206 (both with aerial telemetry equipment). Exploratory flights can be done in a fixed-wing or Bell 206. Staging should occur from Fort Nelson for the majority of the program, and from Fort St. John when beneficial.
This Agreement may be renewed for two further Terms of one year, by written agreement of the parties, subject to satisfactory performance by the Contractor and the availability of funding by the Province.
Further details as to the scope of this opportunity and the requirements can be found within this RFP.
Durée du contrat
La durée estimée du contrat sera de 6 mois.
Accords commerciaux
Veuillez consulter la description ou les documents de l'appel d'offres
Entreprises intéressées par un partenariat pour cet appel d'offres :
Remarque : Il se peut que l'information ne soit pas disponible en anglais et en français. Ceci est parce que la Loi sur les langues officielles ne s'applique pas.
Organisation contractante
- Organisation
Provincial Caribou Recovery Program
- Autorité contractante
- Agnes Pelletier
- Adresse courriel
Détails de l'offre
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