Construction of Connecting Trail & Staircase at Eagle Mountain Park
Numéro de sollicitation 1220-2022-2810
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2022/08/16 17:00 HAE
The City of Abbotsford invites tenders for Construction of Connecting Trail & Staircase at Eagle Mountain Park, located at 2570 Eagle Mountain Drive. The project site is on the southeast corner of the park, including the City owned walkway right of way between 35573 and 35565, Jade Drive. This construction is mainly to build a concrete staircase and asphalt path, which will connect Eagle Mountain Park to Jade Drive. The proposed staircase will be located on the slope at the east end of the park. At the west end, the staircase will connect to a proposed asphalt pathway, which links to the existing path in the park. At the east end, the staircase will align with the existing concrete walkway that connects to Jade Drive. Concrete curbs will be added to each side of the existing walkway to channelize surface water to a new trench drain located at the east end of the walkway. The contractor should furnish all services, materials, labour, equipment and operations for this construction. The work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:
- Hoarding, staging area, traffic control, ESC and all related work.
- Clearing, stripping, excavation, removal, offsite disposal and all related work.
- Site grading including all cut and fill, fine grading as per grading plan and geotechnical recommendations.
- Approximately 30m long 2.5m wide cast-in-place concrete stairs with landings and curbs.
- Black powder-coated galvanized steel pipe handrails on each side of the stairs.
- Approx. 35m long concrete curb at each side of the existing concrete walkway.
- Add additional line posts to strengthen the existing chain-link fence along the existing walkway right of way. The additional posts to match the existing material and finishes.
- Weld approx. 35m long black power-coated galvanized steel pipe handrail to the posts of the chain-link fence at each side of the existing concrete walkway.
- Trench drain and drainage connections at the south end of the existing concrete walkway, including all related civil works. The trench grate is required to be H-20 rated and ADA compliant product.
- Approx. 65m long, 2.2m wide asphalt path, which connects the new concrete stairs to the existing looping path in the park.
- A culvert under the asphalt path at the top of the stairs.
- Two wayfinding signs as shown on drawings.
- Repair and repaint existing chain-link fence and baffle, including replace broken vinyl mesh.
- Various site restoration and revegetation activities.
- Additional scope: supply and install bicycle access ramp on stairs.
All documents for this opportunity can be found on Bonfire at the following link:
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City of Abbotsford
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