RFT - Drumheller Downtown Dike Project DRFM#2023-03-28

Numéro de sollicitation DRFM#2023-03-28

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2023/05/09 16:00 HAE

Date de la dernière modification

    1.0 GENERAL 1.1 WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The main items of Work of this Contract include the following: .1 Raising and widening of existing Drumheller Downtown Dike with impervious fill. .2 Installation of riprap bank stabilization and aproning at locations along the new dike footprint. .3 Installation of three (3) soil reinforced Redi-Rock retaining walls. .4 Storm system improvements. .5 Installation of asphalt pedestrian pathway on top of new dike and other trail works. .6 Grading and installation of a new crown along Riverside Drive. .7 Landscaping including topsoil, seeding, sodding, and tree and shrub planting. The Landscaping Drawings and Specifications will be issued in an Addendum after the release of this tender. .8 Other works as identified in the Drawings. .2 The Site of the Work of this Contract is located in Sections NW and SW 11, Township 29, Range 20, West of 4th Meridian, commonly referred to the “Downtown Dike”, in the community of Drumheller, Alberta. .3 The municipal address for construction laydown is: 240 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y4. The Owner’s land agent has coordinated with the landowner to get temporary workspace agreements (TWS) singed. It is included in Volume 2 for reference. The TWS will then be assigned to the selected contractor, who will accept all payment terms and liabilities. .4 The Owner and the Owner’s land agent will be obtaining a TWS for work to be completed at the Riverview Terrace Condominiums at 280 Riverside Dr E, Drumheller, AB, T0J 0Y4. This will be provided in an Addendum. The TWS will then be assigned to the selected contractor, who will accept all payment terms and liabilities. 1.2 CONTRACT TIME . 1 The Contract will commence on the date on which the contract has been signed by both parties. .2 Upon receipt of the Letter of Acceptance and upon confirmation of all regulatory approvals, promptly, and without undue delay, commence work at the Site. .3 Attain Substantial Performance of the Work by November 15, 2023, except for the following: .1 Seeding, sodding, and planting, as specified in Clause 1.3.4. Section 01110 Drumheller Downtown Dike Summary of Work Tender No. 2023-03-28 Page 2 .4 Refer to the contract documents of the Assignable Contract for contract time provisions specified for the Assignable Contract. 1.3 WORK RESTRICTION/MILESTONE DATES .1 Contractor shall adhere to all applicable Town of Drumheller Community Standards Bylaws. In particular, No. 06.19, section ‘Prohibited Noise’, item 3.38, which states that equipment cannot be operated between 10:00pm and 7:00am on a Weekday and from 10:00pm to 9:00am on a weekend. for working hours. .2 As a Class C water body, construction operations in the Red Deer River are prohibited between the dates of April 16 and June 30 of any year. .3 Complete seeding, sodding, and planting, per Landscaping Drawing specifications. .4 Work and Contractor access is restricted in front of the Aquaplex, Spray Park, and the Visitor Centre throughout the duration of the summer. If required, the Contractor can utilise this area after the September long weekend, upon approval from the Owner. It should be noted that at least two other construction activities will be taking place in this area after the September long weekend. The Contractor should plan to access this part of the dike (north of the Aquaplex) through their construction laydown area via Centennial Park. .5 Attain Total Performance of the Work by November 15, 2023.

    Durée du contrat

    La durée estimée du contrat sera de 5 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2023/06/01.

    Accords commerciaux

    • Accord de libre-échange canadien (ALEC)
    • Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE)

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    Organisation contractante

    Town of Drumheller
    224 Centre Street
    Drumheller, Alberta, T0J0Y4
    Autorité contractante
    Campbell Cameron
    Numéro de téléphone
    403 823 1308
    Adresse courriel
    Town Hall 224 Centre Street
    Drumheller, Alberta, T0J0Y4
    Détails de l'offre

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    Date de modification: