Infrastructure - Invitation to Bid - St. Albert - Poundmaker Lodge - LED Replacement and Washroom Modernization Project
Numéro de sollicitation AB-2024-09640
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2025/01/23 09:00 HNE
Date de la dernière modification
Work of this Contract comprises the following:
- Washroom Modernization:
.Male and Female Washroom modernizations comprising of upgrade to
room finishes, washroom fixtures, millwork, door finishes, door hardware,
accessories and tie-ins to existing building and related site services.
- LED Replacement:
1. Replace all interior lighting which is not already LED with new LED
2. Replace all exterior building mounted (canopy) lighting with LED
3. Replace all exit signs and emergency lights with new LED equivalents.
4. Replace all low voltage light switches with either equivalent or manual
5. Replace main distribution panel (MDP) with new equivalent.
6. Provide temporary power for the duration of the MDP replacement.
- The Poundmaker Lodge operates 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, and
will remain occupied throughout. Work schedules must be coordinated with
the client group in advance, as the project will need to be phased to
accommodate the ongoing occupancy of the facility.
Durée du contrat
La durée estimée du contrat sera de 8 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2025/01/21.
Accords commerciaux
Accord de libre-échange canadien (ALEC)
Organisation contractante
- Organisation
- Adresse
Suite 2100, 6950-113 StreetEdmonton, CA-AB, T6H 5V7CA
- Autorité contractante
- Stacey Carrobourg
- Adresse courriel
- Adresse
3rd Floor, 6950-113 StreetEdmonton, Alberta, T6H 5V7Canada
Détails de l'offre
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