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  • Le vendredi 1 novembre à 19h00 au lundi 4 novembre 08h00 (HAE) 

Town of Stony Plain - Request for Proposal - Electronic Permitting

Numéro de sollicitation AB-2024-08825

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2024/11/05 09:00 HNE

    The town of Stony Plain is an urban municipality located west of Edmonton with a population of nearly 18,000 residents, comprised of young families, working professionals, artists, entrepreneurs and retirees. Over 900 businesses provide services to the community, as well as to customers in the region and beyond. The town has grown at a significant rate over the past decade and Administration is seeking new ways to provide services for this growing community that align with other municipalities in the region and provide a better quality of life for all residents of the town. To support future community growth and development, the Town is inviting qualified firms to submit proposals for the solution and implementation services for a cloud hosted electronic permitting (“e-permitting”) system. This modernized system will replace the Town’s current manual permitting process and will streamline and automate the permitting process, improving efficiency, accuracy, and user experience. The system will be accessible to Town staff, third-party agencies and to the public, and will function with legislation applicable to the Town, such as the Alberta Building Code and the Municipal Government Act (MGA). In collaboration with the Town, the successful proponent will be responsible for: project management; organization change management, communications, and training; software system implementation planning and design; software system build, testing, integration; software system deployment; data migration and conversion; and sustainment and support. The Town intends to establish a long-term relationship with a proponent capable of keeping current with industry trends and best practices. The Town prefers a Software as a Service (Saas) hosted platform in order to implement a stable and reliable service that is secure and contains the vendors latest software version without resource requirements or commitments from Town resources to maintain. The cloud hosted model will allow the Town to take advantage of advanced tools and features, functionality, timely implementation, scalability, advanced reporting and analytics, enhanced user experience, and mobility opportunities. The Town has a budget of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) Canadian to complete the Deliverables. It is anticipated that there will be two (2) agreements in place. 1) Implementation and First Year of Service: The initial term of agreement is to be for a period of one (1) year for the implementation and first year of service. 2) Service and Licensing: Following the implementation and first year of service, the second term of the agreement is to be for a period of two (2) years for ongoing service and licensing, with an option in favour of the Town to extend the agreement on the same terms and conditions for an additional term of two (2) years, followed by an option in favour of the Town to renew the agreement for additional five (5) year terms. To view/download the documents, or submit questions for this opportunity, please Register or Login to the Town's electronic bidding system at: https://stonyplain.bonfirehub.ca/ Note: This procurement is subject to Chapter 5 of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) and Chapter 19 of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).

    Durée du contrat

    La durée estimée du contrat sera de 36 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2025/01/20.

    Accords commerciaux

    • Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE)

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    Organisation contractante

    Town of Stony Plain
    4905-51 Avenue
    Stony Plain, CA-AB, T7Z 1Y1
    Autorité contractante
    Trista Baksa
    Adresse courriel
    4905 51 Ave
    Stony Plain, CA-AB, T7Z 1Y1
    Détails de l'offre

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    Soutien aux petites et moyennes entreprises

    Si vous avez des questions concernant cette occasion de marché, veuillez communiquer avec l'agent de négociation des contrats, dont les coordonnées se trouvent sous l'onglet Coordonnées.

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    Date de modification: