Woodlands County - Invitation to Bid - Hard Luck Canyon In Ground Stairs Upgrading
Numéro de sollicitation AB-2024-07540
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2024/08/20 10:00 HAE
Date de la dernière modification
Woodlands County is seeking a qualified provider to complete the upgrade to the in ground stairs at Hard Luck Canyon.
The work includes approximately:
1. Remove and dispose of off-site existing in ground stairs (5 sets).
2. Remove and dispose of off-site portion of existing fencing.
3. Stump removal, root pruning and branch clearing in areas of installation of in new in
ground stairs.
4. Installation of Woody Debris on existing goat trail to limit use by pedestrians and control
5. Installation of replacement in ground stairs at four (4) locations (lumber provided).
6. Supply & Installation of black vinyl 4’ Chain Link Fence
7. Provisional – Supply & Installation of Vegetated Wall System (4 locations)
All specifications and documents are attached within the package.
Durée du contrat
La durée estimée du contrat sera de 1 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2024/09/03.
Accords commerciaux
Aucun accord commercial n'est applicable à ce processus de sollicitation
Organisation contractante
- Organisation
Woodlands County
- Adresse
1 Woodlands LaneWhitecourt, CA-AB, T7S 1N3CA
- Autorité contractante
- Brad Walker
- Adresse courriel
- bwalker@mcelhanney.com
- Adresse
McElhanney Ltd. #201, 13455 – 114th Avenue NWEdmonton, Alberta, T5M 2E2Canada
Détails de l'offre
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