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Agriculture and Irrigation - Request for Proposal - Review of Fish Exclusion and Deterrence Technologies For Application at Water Diversions and Canals in Alberta

Numéro de sollicitation AB-2024-07092

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2024/08/16 10:00 HAE

Date de la dernière modification

    Project Background - Storage, diversion, and distribution of water for irrigation of agricultural crops is widespread in southern Alberta. Nearly all major rivers in southern Alberta are dammed to form reservoirs, and diversion structures and canals are utilized extensively to distribute water from rivers and reservoirs to secondary storage reservoirs and to water users. Water diversion from the Bow River occurs at the Western Headworks Canal (WHC) diversion, the Carseland Bow River Headworks Canal (CBRHC) diversion, and at the Bassano Dam. The Bow River is inhabited by a generally intact southern Alberta lotic fish assemblage comprised of 26 native fish species and eight non-native fish species. The fishery in the reach between Bearspaw Dam and Bassano Dam supports an internationally famous and economically important recreational fishery for Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout. Operation of water management infrastructure affects fish and fish habitat. Effects range from local (individuals and microhabitat scale) to regional (populations and macrohabitat scale). The Bow River Rainbow Trout population is declining and the entrainment of fish and modification of river flow patterns are thought to be important contributing factors. Fish entrainment is well documented at the WHC and CBRHC diversions. At the CBRHC diversion, estimated annual mortality is about 8.4% (5% - 14%, 95% credible interval) for Rainbow Trout and 2.1% (1.5% - 4%, 95% credible interval) for Brown Trout. At the WHC diversion, estimated annual mortality is about 0.7% (0.3% - 1.4%, 95% credible interval) for Rainbow Trout and 0.4% (0% - 0.9%, 95% credible interval) for Brown Trout. Large numbers of Mountain Whitefish are also entrained in most years. All sizes of Rainbow Trout are entrained, while mostly juvenile and smaller Brown Trout are entrained. The vast majority of entrained Mountain Whitefish in most years are young-of-year fish. Water diversion, storage, and delivery is licensed under the authority of the Alberta Water Act and individual water users are licensed to use specific allocations of water. Since fish and fish habitat are affected by water management, the destruction of fish by means other than fishing and the harmful alteration, disruption, and destruction of fish habitat is authorized under the authority of the Canada Fisheries Act. Fish exclusion has been implemented on two diversions from the Highwood River, a Bow River tributary, in recent years. Fish exclusion or deterrence at Bow River diversions has previously been considered by regulators and water and fishery managers, but not implemented. A current review of Fisheries Act authorizations and a need to better align the water management and fisheries management objectives of Alberta is prompting a need to identify options to improve fish protection (exclusion or deterrence in the context of fish entrainment) while retaining the ability to achieve water management targets. A variety of exclusion and deterrence technologies are known to exist, and the effectiveness of these technologies to protect fish from entrainment into water management canals is evolving as practical experience accumulates. As a first step, there is a need to review the current state of fish exclusion and deterrence technologies suitable for high volume water diversions. Additionally, modifications of operational practices may be used on their own or in combination with exclusion/deterrence technologies to reduce fish entrainment. Examples of operational adjustment include reduced or suspended diversion during periods of high entrainment vulnerability and adjustment of diversion to accommodate the design criteria of exclusion/deterrence infrastructure. Modification of operations should be reviewed to determine if fish protection can be improved and effectiveness of exclusion/deterrence systems can be enhanced. Operational changes must also include consideration of operational requirements for water management and an assessment of the feasibility of altering operational practices. Project Objectives - The objectives of the project are to review modern fish exclusion and/or deterrence technologies, identify technologies that are suitable for application at the CBRHC and WHC water diversions on the Bow River, and assess the potential effectiveness of suitable fish exclusion/deterrence systems. Project Structure/Business Model - The project will be managed by Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation – Water Infrastructure and Operations Branch (AGI-WIOB). A contract manager will be identified and is responsible for describing the services and objectives and overseeing and administering the project. The contract manager will assemble a technical team to assist with guiding and reviewing completion of contract deliverables. The service provider should identify a project manager who will be responsible for assembling a team to deliver the services described in the contract agreement. The project manager will report to the contract manager. Key Stakeholders - The project includes a regulatory dimension and involves consideration of substantial future intervention in fisheries and water management. The fishery is a valuable, high profile recreational fishery and the water basin includes Alberta’s largest city, several smaller communities, the traditional territory of multiple First Nations, and three large irrigation districts. Key stakeholders include Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Government of Alberta, the City of Calgary, Treaty 7 First Nations, Metis Nation Region 3, Bow River Irrigation District, Western Irrigation District, Eastern Irrigation District, Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary River Users Alliance, The Trout Trust, Alberta Wildlife Federation, Bow River Trout Foundation, Angling Outfitters and Guide Association of Alberta, Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Alberta Irrigation Projects Association, Alberta Society of Professional Biologists, and Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta. Related Project Documents - Reviews of fish exclusion and deterrence technologies have previously been completed, but the technology is continuously evolving. A significant part of the project work will involve searching scientific, engineering, and resource management literature and acquiring reports and similar documents. AGI-WIOB will share any relevant documents in our possession to assist with acquisition for review. A set of documents including examples of prior assessments of exclusion and deterrence technologies will be made available during the RFP to provide additional background information to assist prospective bidders to develop project proposals. Miscellaneous - The project is not intended to provide pre-engineering or engineering assessment, nor is it intended to provide designs for construction. Review and assessment should be limited to identifying and evaluating fish exclusion and deterrence options that are suitable for future investigation and additional study.

    Durée du contrat

    La durée estimée du contrat sera de 7 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2024/08/19.

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    Organisation contractante

    Agriculture and Irrigation
    7000 - 113 Street
    Edmonton, CA-AB, T6H 5T6
    Autorité contractante
    Mike Bryski
    Adresse courriel
    2nd Floor, 200-5th Avenue South
    Lethbridge, Alberta, T1J 4L1
    Détails de l'offre

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    Type d’avis
    Demande de propositions
    Région(s) de livraison
    Région de l'appel d'offres
    Durée du contrat
    7 mois
    Méthode d'approvisionnement
    Concurrentielle – Invitation ouverte à soumissionner

    Soutien aux petites et moyennes entreprises

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    Date de modification: