GBWWTP Utility Rack Upgrades
Numéro de sollicitation 765672
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2023/01/19 16:00 HNE
Date de la dernière modification
EPCOR is looking for one Successful Proponent complete and deliver design and engineering services for the upgrades to the Utility Rack (UR) System at Gold Bar Waste Water Treatment Plant (GBWWTP), and provide procurement and construction support. The scope for Stage 1 is to develop a preliminary design and specifications of the UR system. However, details of the scope of the upgrades should be finalized during design. The Work is divided into three stages:
Stage 1: Development of preliminary design and specifications, design and construction cost estimate; and a design and construction schedule;
Stage 2: Development of complete detailed design, final specifications and development of competitive bid package, including evaluation of construction proponents and;
Stage 3: Engineering services during construction, commissioning, and As-Builts.
All stages require a cost estimate for the subsequent stage, engineering schedule, and construction schedule.
The award of this RFP will include Work relating to Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3, however, only Work relating to Stage 1 is currently approved. All Work related to Stage 2 and Stage 3 is subject to written authorization from EPCOR to proceed, and such authorization is conditional upon EPCOR receiving all required approvals, and EPCOR being satisfied, in its sole discretion, with the Successful Proponent’s performance and quality of the deliverables during Stage 1. Approval to proceed with the Work as it relates to Stage 2 and Stage 3 is not guaranteed. In the event the required approvals are not received, or in the event EPCOR in its sole discretion is not satisfied with the performance and quality of the Successful Proponent’s deliverables during Stage 1, the Work as it relates to Stage 2 and Stage 3 will be deleted from the scope of Work under the Contract, and EPCOR reserves the right to proceed with subsequent stages with a different Proponent. In such case, EPCOR shall not be liable to the Successful Proponent for any reason for compensation, costs (including change orders), reimbursement or damages on account of the decrease in scope of work or loss of prospective profits or otherwise.
For more details, copy and paste the following Bids and Tenders link:
Durée du contrat
La durée estimée du contrat sera de 21 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2023/02/15.
Accords commerciaux
Accord de libre-échange canadien (ALEC)
Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE)
Organisation contractante
- Organisation
- Adresse
2000, 10423 - 101 Street NWEdmonton, Alberta, T5H 0E8Canada
- Autorité contractante
- Dennis Au
- Numéro de téléphone
- (780) 412-3377
- Adresse courriel
- Adresse
10423 101 St NWEdmonton, Alberta, T5H 0E8Canada
Détails de l'offre
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