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Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: LE PROGRAMME SOLUTIONS INNOVATRICES CANADA (SIC) - Volet défi - Appel de propositions (Appel 003)

Date de publication 2020/01/28

Date et heure de clôture 2023/11/30 23:59 HNE

SandboxAQ détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

Quantum Communication/Security/Sensing & Simulation/Opt

Our software leverages the power of classical computing architecture, enabling us to deliver AQ solutions and technologies today, years before fault-tolerant, error corrected quantum computers become available. We work directly with corporations like Vodafone Business, Softbank Mobile, Mt. Sinai Health Systems, and others, leveraging AQ to drive innovation and position our customers for success in the next computing era. SandboxAQ has forged strategic alliances with global systems integrators Deloitte and Ernst & Young to solve real-world business challenges at scale, helping some of the largest global organizations to achieve a lasting competitive advantage. CYBERSECURITY Store Now Decrypt Later (SNDL) puts today’s critical data in danger. Every company needs to migrate their encrypted data to new and safer algorithms. SandboxAQ helps you protect your most sensitive data and remain compliant with your authorities and customers. QUANTUM SENSING Our new Quantum sensors will detect previously undetectable stimuli and combine their data with AI to deliver breakthroughs in navigation, imaging, medical devices, and other critical areas. QUANTUM SIMULATION & OPTIMIZATION A novel simulation platform will reduce your cost and accelerate your drug discovery, product design, prototyping and development, materials science and other applications that strengthen global and national security. Our quantum technology works with hardware that’s available today

Prénom Valerie


Nom de famille Vasquez

Titre ou poste

Director of Government Affairs

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