Barbara Webb Coaching & Consulting

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Mandat du Programme Partage de connaissances et d’innovations (KIX) du Partenariat mondial pour l’éducation pour le résumé des connaissances du KIX sur les options en matière d’éducation offertes aux enfants non scolarisés

Date de publication 2022/09/12

Date et heure de clôture 2022/10/07 11:00 HAE

Barbara Webb Coaching & Consulting détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

Coaches, consults, researches, writes. Mission simplified.

I am qualified to assist you with a sense of optical clarity in your projects, not only with accomplishing your mission, but also with being and living your vision. Your system and your teamwork come into better focus with coaching. My background in post-secondary education includes involvement in areas of recruitment and retention policies, curriculum development and processes to enhance student engagement which involved extracting pertinent data to accomplish the set strategy. My business is new however my experience stems over 25 years of engagement in multiple areas including education, justice, journalism and home care. Achieving a Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in 2018 was a natural move, a specialization of a previously honed ability to find ways of integrating systems for better functionality. Certified executing coaching (ICF member at the ACC level) provides the catalyst for such innovation, changes for the better. As a Rotarian I serve as a public image and public relations coordinator at the community, district and zones levels. I would love to continue with pursuing a doctorate, however a second Master's degree in Psychology Counseling is a pursuit likely more attainable at this time. I can assist with the extraction of your most important themes, methods and processes in your studies and to synthesize any research regarding at-risk students. This also includes utilizing my writing and editing skills for any dialogue that you wish to publish.

Prénom Barbara


Nom de famille Webb

Titre ou poste

Certified Executive & Personal Coach


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