Action Impact Movement

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: 5000049085 - Services de coaching, d’animation, d’évaluation et d’orientation professionnelle pour la Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire (CCSN)

Date de publication 2022/07/22

Date et heure de clôture 2022/09/27 14:00 HAE

Action Impact Movement détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

Coaching, leadership development, and facilitation services

Jennifer Campbell (Action Impact Movement) is a certified coach (PCC) and seasoned group facilitator with extensive business consulting, change management, and leadership development experience. She is the author of the Amazon best-selling book Talking Change: Must-Have Conversations for Successful Leaders. She is a sought after 'thinking and execution' partner and a versatile adviser to leaders with a practical approach to creating change and aligning teams. She is a quick study and known for her contagious energy, ability to create a positive atmosphere, and desire to help connect the right people to create better solutions. Jennifer's clients seek her out to: - Coach and train leaders to improve skills, gain self-awareness, and inspire others to embrace change. - Facilitate conversations to engage and align teams around common goals, behaviours, and expectations. - Help leaders navigate disruption and resistance to realize sustainable and beneficial results in their people and organizations. Key services provided by Jennifer and Action Impact Movement - Leadership and executive coaching - including personality, work style, and 360 degree assessments - Change management guidance, support, and training - Team and group facilitation to improve team cohesion, communication, and problem solving - Leadership training and development

Prénom Jennifer


Nom de famille Campbell

Titre ou poste

Coach, Facilitator, ImpleMentor


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