Toni Crow Leadership Coaching

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: 5000049085 - Services de coaching, d’animation, d’évaluation et d’orientation professionnelle pour la Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire (CCSN)

Date de publication 2022/07/22

Date et heure de clôture 2022/09/27 14:00 HAE

Toni Crow Leadership Coaching détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

I coach particularly with women in STEM professions.

I am a Royal Roads University Certified Executive Coach (CEC) and ICF accredited as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Primarily, I work with leaders (emerging, evolving, succession planned, in transition/change), to develop personally and professionally so they can think and engage differently in their life and careers. Clients tell me I blend compassionate and challenging styles to create a basis of trust and openness and to stimulate explorative, thought-provoking, and momentum building sessions that bring real traction. Results can include: - Clarity and conviction around what really matters - Identifying and converting what is getting in the way - Overall balance around well being - Improved performance based on positive mindset - Greater connection, communication and conflict skills - Stronger relationships overall - Clear plans and incremental steps for action through each session This is not for the uncommitted, the feint of heart and we will push your comfort zones (at your pace). It takes dedication, self-accountability, based on a strong desire to align with what's truly meaningful and important in a way that is in greater ease and flow with your authentic self. I am also a Positive Intelligence Coach, specializing in Mental Fitness and also use variety of psychometrics and methodologies, including: Lumina Spark, DiSC, 360 Reviews, Symbolon, SupportingLines, and others.

Prénom Carol (Toni)


Nom de famille Crow

Titre ou poste

Leadership Coach, President


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