Étude sur le marché du stockage d'énergie domestique au Canada
État Attribué
Numéro du contrat 3000708835
Numéro de sollicitation 5000047634
Date de publication
Date de l’attribution du contrat
Valeur du contrat
État Attribué
Numéro du contrat 3000708835
Numéro de sollicitation 5000047634
Date de publication
Date de l’attribution du contrat
Valeur du contrat
The purpose of this contract is to undertake a study to identify market demand, as well as barriers and opportunities for energy storage technologies in Canada, and to document potential avenues for federal policy action.
Global demand for electric vehicles and energy storage solutions is projected to increase over the coming decades. These technologies will be critical to address climate change, reduce the environmental impacts of energy use and create economic opportunities and clean jobs.
As world-leading electric vehicle manufactures and energy storage companies are making historic investments around the world, Canada has an opportunity to leverage and develop existing strengths in order to establish itself along the value chain. A central priority for Canada, beyond fostering a robust, export-focused energy storage industry, is to drive the adoption of these energy storage technologies within Canada. As such, the federal government is deeply interested in developing its knowledge of Canada’s potential for energy storage, how that differs by technology type, use-case, jurisdiction, and to identify necessary actions to foster domestic adoption of energy storage where applicable.
Voir la description ci-dessus pour voir tous les détails.