OpenText Content Server & Content Suite - Application Maintenance and Support

État Attribué

Numéro de sollicitation 305-274-023

Date de publication

Date de l’attribution du contrat

Valeur du contrat

2,085,000.00 CAD


    Ce contrat a été attribué à :

    Locus Systems Inc.
    RFP 305-274-023 OpenText Content Server & Content Suite - Application Maintenance and Support

    The supplier will provide Marine Atlantic with a variety of services across workstreams such as Application Maintenance, Application Management, Cloud Hosting and VM Management, Customer Specific Development/Enhancements and System Support for the Opentext™ Content Server solution and peripheral systems and integrations.
    In addition, the supplier will  complete a variety of monthly deliverables, as well as related services on an as-required basis over the life of the contract. The supplier will work with Marine Atlantic to ensure a strong application management standard that is designed to enhance and improve its digital experience and information management.
    Adresse de l’entreprise
    146 West Beaver Creek Road, Unit 1
    Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4B 1C2
    Méthode d'approvisionnement
    Concurrentielle – Invitation ouverte à soumissionner

    Durée du contrat

    La durée du contrat sera de 60 mois, entre le 2024/03/01 et le 2029/02/28.

    Accords commerciaux

    • Accord de libre-échange canadien (ALEC)
    • Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE)

    Organisation contractante

    Marine Atlantic
    65 Memorial Drive
    North Sydney, Nova Scotia, B2A 3S8
    Autorité contractante
    Allison Oliver
    Numéro de téléphone
    Adresse courriel
    Date de modification: