Supply and Delivery of Institutional Footwear

Numéro de sollicitation SK-8579

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2023/04/11 16:00 HAE

Date de la dernière modification


    The GOS is conducting this RFB to establish a standing offer Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of  Institutional Footwear on an if and as needed basis for the Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety (Ministry). The footwear will be used in various correctional facilities locations throughout Saskatchewan. The footwear required consists of men’s and women’s leather footwear and men’s and women’s low-top canvas footwear and insoles.

    Additional Information

    Submissions by email:

    One (1) electronic copy in .pdf, .doc or .docx, excel format, which includes the RFB reference number and closing date, are to be forwarded to:

    The subject line of the email should contain the competition reference number, competition title and company name (example: RFB XXXX-Title-Company Name).

    One (1) email, including attachments, should not be larger than 25MB or it may not be successfully transmitted.  It is recommended to send one (1) email, however, if sending multiple emails, provide clear instructions on how the Submission is intended to be integrated. 

    Email submissions with links to a cloud based storage system (i.e. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive) will not be accepted.

    Executable file formats such as .exe will not be accepted.  The preferred file formats are .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls and .xlsx.

    The received time in the recipient’s email inbox will be the recorded date and time of Submission.  The GOS will provide confirmation of email receipt to Proponents via an automatic email message.  If no confirmation email is received, please contact 306-787-6871.

    Prior to closing, GOS will maintain confidentiality of email Submissions subject to the GOS officials opening an email for the purpose of identification.  In the event that one (1) or more files cannot be opened (e.g. are corrupted), the Proponent will not have an opportunity to resend such files after closing.

    Durée du contrat

    La durée estimée du contrat sera de 1 mois.

    Accords commerciaux

    • Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE)

    Organisation contractante

    SaskBuilds and Procurement
    600-1855 Victoria Avenue
    Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
    Autorité contractante
    Jaspal Singh
    Adresse courriel
    Détails de l'offre

    Les détails complets de cette occasion de marché sont disponibles sur un site tiers

    Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour vous rendre vers ce site Web. Le site tiers pourrait exiger la création d’un compte personnel pour consulter l’occasion de marché ou pour soumissionner. Les informations reliées aux frais encourus pour accéder aux détails complets sont indiqués sous l’onglet Description.


    Région(s) de livraison
    Région de l'appel d'offres
    Durée du contrat
    1 mois
    Méthode d'approvisionnement
    Concurrentielle – Invitation ouverte à soumissionner