REC - Legacy Audio Data Extraction

Numéro de sollicitation SS-CP-0020-SH

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2023/07/14 17:00 HAE

Date de la dernière modification

    Shared Health uses a legacy logger to retrieve audio files which are stored on over 600 DVDRAM discs in a proprietary format.  The hardware for the logger is outdated and not upgradable due to the software version required to run the audio logger server and the server has experienced a major failure and has become unusable.

    Shared Health requires the audio to be extracted, with all of the date/time/channel tags to be searched and played, including the hardware, digital conversion and storage, and retrieval software (the “Product”).

    Shared Health has identified one vendor (the “Intended Vendor”) to provide the Product. Shared Health has reason to believe that only the Intended Vendor is able to provide this Product for the following reasons:
    1. An extensive market search was done to try and find a vendor that could provide this Product and it was determined that it is highly specialized.
    2. The Intended Vendor is able to provide the specialized hardware and software required to convert and retrieve the files.

    The purpose of this Request is to confirm that there is no competition for distribution of this Product.

    Please be advised that the purpose of this Request is not to pre-qualify vendors for an upcoming competitive procurement process, if any.  Any Response submitted by a vendor as requested in this Request will not be considered as binding on the vendor.  All costs and any liabilities incurred by a vendor including (without limitation) those associated with the preparation of the vendor's Response to this Request will be borne entirely by the vendor.


      Bidding and Documents are available on Fees may apply; See for more information.

      Durée du contrat

      La durée estimée du contrat sera de 0 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2023/07/17.

      Accords commerciaux

      • Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE)

      Organisation contractante

      Shared Health Inc.
      WR0, 735 Notre Dame Avenue
      Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3E 0L8
      Autorité contractante
      Tara Robinson
      Adresse courriel
      Détails de l'offre

      Les détails complets de cette occasion de marché sont disponibles sur un site tiers

      Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour vous rendre vers ce site Web. Le site tiers pourrait exiger la création d’un compte personnel pour consulter l’occasion de marché ou pour soumissionner. Les informations reliées aux frais encourus pour accéder aux détails complets sont indiqués sous l’onglet Description.


      Méthode d'approvisionnement
      Concurrentielle – Invitation ouverte à soumissionner