Dakelh First Nations Primary Care Centre TI
Numéro de sollicitation 186541
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2024/01/16 17:00 HNE
FNHA is seeking proposals for qualified vendors to submit a proposal for General Contractor Services for the following project:
The FNHA is seeking a qualified General Contractor to update this space to accommodate for additional
clinical, office, and storage space.
The new center will include a new primary care center with integrated clinical and traditional healing
practices. The center renovation will include the entire leased space.
For additional details please proceed to FNHA's Bonfire site at:
please note: all amendments, notices and RFP documents will be found in Bonfire only.
The FNHA is seeking a qualified General Contractor to update this space to accommodate for additional
clinical, office, and storage space.
The new center will include a new primary care center with integrated clinical and traditional healing
practices. The center renovation will include the entire leased space.
For additional details please proceed to FNHA's Bonfire site at:
please note: all amendments, notices and RFP documents will be found in Bonfire only.
Durée du contrat
Voir la description ci-dessus pour voir tous les détails.
Accords commerciaux
Veuillez consulter la description ou les documents de l'appel d'offres
Organisation contractante
- Organisation
First Nations Health Authority
- Adresse courriel
- FNHA.Contracts@fnha.ca
Détails de l'offre
Les détails complets de cette occasion de marché sont disponibles sur un site tiers
Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour vous rendre vers ce site Web. Le site tiers pourrait exiger la création d’un compte personnel pour consulter l’occasion de marché ou pour soumissionner. Les informations reliées aux frais encourus pour accéder aux détails complets sont indiqués sous l’onglet Description.