Trophy Meadows and Sheila Lake Backcountry Facility Upgrades

Numéro de sollicitation BC166786

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2023/05/23 17:00 HAE

Date de la dernière modification

    The British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy intends to deliver improvements to backcountry facilities in Wells Gray Provincial Park on behalf of BC Parks. Sheila Lake is a subalpine lake with overnight camping facilities and a 5.3 kilometre BC Park standard trail for access. The trailhead is accessed via travel on 13 KM of active resource road, which is 12 KM North of the town of Clearwater BC.

    Existing facilities are to be improved and expanded in capacity, all existing furnishings will be removed and replaced. This includes the installation of new tent pads, new toilet facilities, new food caches, new signage, new bridges, new cooking shelter facilities. The furnishing transport to and from the installation locations will be with helicopter support that is provided by the Ministry. The transportation of materials from government storage compound to helicopter staging will be in conjunction with the Contractor and the Ministry Representative. Furnishings and most of the materials for installation will be provided by the Ministry, however the Successful proponent will be required to procure and transport certain materials at a compensation of cost plus 15%.

    The existing trail will be improved with updated bridges for stream crossings, increased water management, repair of eroded sections, and resurfacing/compaction where required. Soil to construct the trail will be obtained from “borrow pits” along the trail alignment. The intent to rebuild the trail is using a minimum of 2 small excavators and 2 mechanized soil conveying pieces of equipment and hand finishing/ mechanized compaction where required.

    As archaeological values have been identified in the vicinity of works, archaeology monitoring will be a component of the delivery of these works and an archaeology consultant has been engaged.

    The Contractor will be functioning in the role of Prime Contractor and responsible for coordinating elements of health, safety and environmental protection. Environmental factors limit access to these facilities in early summer. The intended schedule
    for delivery of works is August into September 2023. The intended timeframe for delivery is 6 weeks The successful Proponent will have excellent communication and coordination skills to ensure smooth project delivery. The requested Proposal will demonstrate how the proponent has experience in delivering similar projects in a remote park like setting. Further details as to the scope of this opportunity and the requirements can be found within this RFP.

    Durée du contrat

    La durée estimée du contrat sera de 2 mois.

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    Organisation contractante

    Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
    Autorité contractante
    Kevin Campbell
    Adresse courriel
    Détails de l'offre

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    Type d’avis
    Durée du contrat
    2 mois

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    Date de modification: