1070-2324-004 RFP for Consulting Services for Engagement on Extreme Weather Preparedness

Numéro de sollicitation BC12034

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2023/02/03 17:00 HNE

    This Request for Proposals (“the RFP”) issued by the BC Housing Management Commission (“BC Housing”) is an invitation to submit non-binding Proposals for the provision of Engagement on Extreme Weather Preparedness (focusing on Heat & Wildfire Smoke) for BC Housing Directly Managed Tenants.

    BC Housing has been working on extreme heat response for several years and after the heat dome event released a new Extreme Heat and Wildfire Smoke Action Plan. A priority area in the plan is to better understand the needs of residents living in community housing, clients of supportive housing services for homeless and other groups, and the non-profit housing providers who serve these populations. Hearing directly from the people we support will inform our future actions, as well as the responses of our other partner organizations, agencies and government.

    While the key focus of this engagement will be on extreme heat and wildfire smoke, it will also cover to a lesser degree other extreme weather events such as: prolonged heat, flooding, and windstorms.

    While BC Housing funds thousands of units of community housing across the province, this engagement will focus on the portfolio of housing that BC Housing manages directly (Directly Managed Housing).


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    Organisation contractante

    BC Housing Management Commission
    Autorité contractante
    Renee Tanche
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