XEVO G3 Quadrupole Time-of-Flight (QTOF) Mass Spectrometer

Numéro de sollicitation ACAN 2024-0031

Date de publication

Date et heure de clôture 2024/02/13 16:00 HNE

Date de la dernière modification

    The department of Civil and Environmental Engineering submitted a sole source request on January 29, 2024 to purchase an XEVO G3 Quadrupole Time-of-Flight (QTOF) Mass Spectrometer. The research being conducted focuses on the fundamentals of advanced and innovative treatment approaches for municipal and industrial wastewater such as oil sands process water. The existing system is the primary analytical instrument for identification of intermediates and by-products generated during water treatment and is integral to understanding treatment mechanisms in all research projects. The new system will seamlessly interface with the current Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatograph (APGC) source hardware to ensure a cohesive and efficient integration. It will use the same MassLynx software as the existing system, enabling it to proficiently read and process generated data and streamline data management processes within the laboratory. The XEVO G2 is outdated and will be obsolete at the end of this year. It will be used as a trade-in for an updated version of the same system.

    Durée du contrat

    La durée estimée du contrat sera de 6 mois, avec une date de début proposée du 2024/03/01.

    Accords commerciaux

    • Accord de libre-échange canadien (ALEC)
    • Accord économique et commercial global (AECG) entre le Canada et l’Union européenne (UE)

    Organisation contractante

    University of Alberta
    116 St & 85 Ave
    Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2R3
    Autorité contractante
    Cristelle Martin
    Numéro de téléphone
    Adresse courriel
    3rd Floor Materials Management Building
    Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2R3
    Détails de l'offre

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    Type d’avis
    Préavis d’attribution du contrat
    Région(s) de livraison
    Région de l'appel d'offres
    Durée du contrat
    6 mois
    Méthode d'approvisionnement
    Non concurrentielle
    Produit – NIBS
    Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour voir une liste des avis associés aux codes NIBS.