Bea Payette

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Services de production photo et vidéo

Date de publication 2023/10/06

Date et heure de clôture 2023/11/06 17:00 HNE

Bea Payette détails

Adventure, Tourism & Outdoors photography

Based in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Bea Payette is a photographer showcasing the beauty of the mountains and all that its four-legged residents and businesses have to offer. Always out on a new adventure, discovering the mountains, learning about the history and geology of the area and the different first nations group that have taken care of the land for time immemorial, her goal is to capture the true Canadian experience.

Prénom Beatrice


Nom de famille Payette


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