Entretien du système SAP Ariba

En raison d'entretien planifié, SAP Ariba ne sera pas disponible aux heures indiquées ci-dessous. Nous nous excusons pour tout inconvénient.

  • le samedi 08 février de 19h00 à 23h00 (heure de l’Est)

Delta-Sigma Inc.

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Radar transhorizon polaire (RTP)

Date de publication 2023/08/30

Date et heure de clôture 2023/10/31 14:00 HAE

Delta-Sigma Inc. détails

Site Web de l’entreprise https://www.111rfpower.com

High Power, reliable, efficient, low phase noise HF Amplifie

Designer, manufacturer and through life support of High Power HF Amplifiers and transmitters up to 100's of kW. Production units for POTHR application already designed and available, fully compliant to the Specification Matrix listed in the RFI. Company is ISO compliant and with equipment operating in remote area for several decades without failure. Demonstrated operational RADAR systems operating in both north and south Polar Regions. Demonstrable and operational systems:  Polarimetric Radar have penetrated the ice cap down to bedrock in Antarctica operating at subzero temperatures, contributed to mapping Antarctica in 3D without ice (Cambridge University BAS)  NASA 350 kW only solid state radar operating 24/7 at Cape Canaveral (NASA)  HFSWR in Romania, Sri-Lanka and a newer one operating an HFSWR system in Newfoundland (Cape Race)  Designed & manufactured all the 16KW Wind Profiler Radars for NOAA  Designed Airborne SAR Radar Amplifiers for JPL/NASA AIRSAR2 and AIRMOSS. Fitted six C130J (Commando Solo) with entire rack of several KW Transmitters covering all HF/VHF and UHF bands Specialist in miniaturization, high efficiencies AC to RF of low phase noise and high harmonic suppression. Designed and delivered systems synergistically with customer application in Pulse or CW, air or liquid cooled. Have proprietary ownership of extreme high directivity Directional Couplers, low loss combining techniques, including technology patents for new innovative tec

Prénom Ernesto


Nom de famille Starri

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