Boeing Defense Systems - Electronic Systems

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: MGETFC projet

Date de publication 2020/05/27

Date et heure de clôture 2024/10/31 14:00 HAE

Boeing Defense Systems - Electronic Systems détails

C4ISR; SIGINT; Electronic Warfare

Boeing Electronic Systems offers an advanced open architecture solution for the CFLEWM program. We bring more than 25 years of C4ISR system design, development, and delivery experience specializing in RF SIGINT and EW mission systems for tactical and strategic military platforms. Our solution for CFLEWM capitalizes on our open architecture design implementing a SWAP-(Size, Weight, and Power) tailorable architecture. In concert with a Canadian prime,, we can provide a system-of-systems solution where individual platforms are networked with rapid data exchange reducing sensor-to-shooter timelines for fielded units. We provide rapid capability fielding with a software-centric open architecture backed by a robust CI/CD driven DevSecOps pipeline.

Prénom Charles


Nom de famille Gulledge

Titre ou poste

Business Development


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