JJ Acoustic Engineering Ltd
est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :
Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Séance de Consultation de L’industrie - Services d’experts-conseils principaux en architecture et en génie
Date de publication 2023/09/11
Date et heure de clôture 2023/09/20 14:00 HAE
JJ Acoustic Engineering Ltd détails
JJAE provides acoustic engineering services.
JJ Acoustic Engineering Ltd (JJAE) strives to provide cooperative acoustic engineering services with architects and developers using state-of-the-art acoustic engineering methods and design strategies. Here is a list of our Services: Architectural Acoustic Design Review, Mechanical Acoustic Design Review, Sound Masking System Design, Environmental Noise Impact Study, Acoustic Optimization for Boardrooms and Conference Rooms, Workplace 2.0 Acoustic Design, Noise Impact Study, Mechanical Noise Impact Through Floor Assembly, HVAC Ductwork Noise Analysis, Acoustic Investigation, Sound Masking System Design, Reverberation Design and Control, Worker Noise Exposure Reports, Sound Transmission Class (STC) Testing, Impact Insulation Class (IIC) Testing, Speech Privacy Class (SPC) Testing, Reverberation Time (RT60) Testing, Noise Criteria (NC) Testing, Noise Exposure Testing
Prénom Nathan
Nom de famille Ayotte
Acoustic Technician