Neoterik HR Solutions
est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :
Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Volet 1 - Services de ressources humaines pour l'Office de l'efficacité énergétique (OEE), Ressources naturelles Canada (RNCan)
Date de publication 2023/08/09
Date et heure de clôture 2023/09/07 14:00 HAE
Neoterik HR Solutions détails
Outsourced HR services for organizations & growing business
Neoterik HR solutions specializes in providing modern outsourced HR solutions to organizations to keep them agile, giving them systems that are tried and tested to ensure efficiency and productivity. Neoterik HR Solutions equips leaders, organizations and their people to ensure they have the best people and tools to keep building each business unit. We take a very unique systemized approach in all we do. These are areas we specialize in: recruitment; organization design; HR Documentation; Compliance; compensation planning and design, performance management, HR systems implementations, leadership coaching and training; employee relations. Think structure, efficiency, modern HR- Think Neoterik HR Solutions.
Prénom Nkilinwa
Nom de famille Obiaga