Modest Tree

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Services partagés Canada (SPC) Arrangement en matière d'approvisionnement Services professionnels en informatique centrés sur les solutions – Domaines d'expertise - Intégration des systèmes - conseil en technologie/ Services de mise en œuvre

Date de publication 2023/07/13

Date et heure de clôture 2023/09/11 14:00 HAE

Modest Tree détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

Technology which digitalizes Maintenance and Repair Ops.

Modest Tree provides an end to end solution to Defense clients and Defense OEMs which digitalizes Maintenance and Repair Operations. Tech Companion improves and transforms how technicians do their jobs with more tools including digital work cards, AR Remote Support, and 3D digital replicas of the assets they are working on for learning and practice. The solution can be applied to global OEM operations, at Defence bases world wide, in depots, and on the battlefield to improve efficiencies, accelerate performance, and develop a digital mindset. The solution rapidly transforms MRO operations world wide by digitalizing work flow, transforming on site service support into Augmented Reality Remote Support, and providing technicians with 3D, digital replicas of equipment which they can interact with to practice and learn 24-7 and prior to working on real world assets. Modest Tree brings ten years of experience serving Defence clients and Defense OEMs to our efforts along with secret security credentials, expert Project Managers, AI Leadership, IT leadership and extensive quality credentials.

Prénom Sam


Nom de famille Wood

Titre ou poste

Account Executive


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