Entretien du système SAP Ariba

En raison d'entretien planifié, SAP Ariba ne sera pas disponible aux heures indiquées ci-dessous. Nous nous excusons pour tout inconvénient.

  • le samedi 20 juillet de 20h00 à 23h59 (heure de l'Est)

Fable Tech Labs Inc.

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Services de recrutement, de mise à l’essai et de formation sur l’expérience utilisateur

Date de publication 2023/03/13

Date et heure de clôture 2023/05/30 14:00 HAE

Fable Tech Labs Inc. détails

Site Web de l’entreprise https://makeitfable.com/

On-demand accessibility user research, testing, and training

Fable Tech Labs Inc. is a company with a mission to empower people with disabilities and promote their inclusion in society. Fable has established a diverse community of people with disabilities who use different assistive technologies (including screen readers, magnification tools, switch systems, voice to text, etc.). This community is available on-demand and offers a wide range of services. They possess varying levels of technical expertise and can support product development throughout its lifecycle, including employee training, participant recruitment, user research, user testing, and quality assurance. Fable provides three core offerings: Fable Engage: This service offers on-demand accessibility user research and testing. It helps organizations ensure that their digital products are accessible and meet the needs of people with disabilities. Fable Upskill: This offering provides on-demand role-based training for digital teams. It aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of professionals working on digital projects, enabling them to create more inclusive and accessible products. Professional Services: Fable offers strategy, roadmapping, and managed research programs as part of their professional services. They assist organizations in developing comprehensive accessibility strategies, creating roadmaps for accessibility implementation, and conducting managed research programs to inform decision-making.

Prénom Shenneile


Nom de famille Henry

Titre ou poste

Enterprise Growth Manager


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