
est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Optimizing Water and Fertilization Management Practices with BC Potato Varieties in a Changing Climate - Grower Extension Project

Date de publication 2023/05/11

Date et heure de clôture 2023/05/25 22:00 HAE

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Satellite Land Surface Temperature & Evapotranspiration

We are developing a constellation of satellites that will deliver daily measurements of Land Surface Temperature and Evapotranspiration at high spatial resolution and high radiometric accuracy. Our products are able to detect crop water stress before they are visible by the human eye or through other satellite indices, such as NDVI. We have a resolution of 30 meters by 30 meters per pixel and can detect when there is water stress in the plant via an increase in Land Surface Temperature and a decrease in Evapotranspiration rate. We deliver data to be used by other companies in crop monitoring and models that can be applied to deliver advice earlier and protect crop yield. Our data enables improved timing and rates of both irrigation and fertiliser. Land Surface Temperature is a highly valuable data layer for improving the accuracy of yield prediction models.

Prénom Charlie


Nom de famille Siggs

Titre ou poste

Commercial agronomist


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