Scoop or Scuttlebutt LLC

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Projet Cyberdéfense - décision, analyse et réponse (CD-DAR)-- Demande de renseignements

Date de publication 2020/07/10

Date et heure de clôture 2024/12/31 14:00 HNE

Scoop or Scuttlebutt LLC détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

Cyber Security Defense and Incident Response, SCADA, SOC

A highly accomplished Cyber Security Firm with over a decade of experience working in Cyber Security Operations Center (SOC). We are versed at SOC Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), and Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) for Fortune 100 Financial Institutions. We possess deep technical and tactical knowledge and skills in all phases of Cyber Security Incident Response Processes including Intrusion Detection, Monitoring, Threat Hunting, Threat Analysis, Incident Escalation, Malware Triage, Containment, Hosts and Network Forensics, Remediation, Incident Management and leadership, Intelligence sharing, Incident Documentation, and Report of Investigation Writing.

Prénom Tareq


Nom de famille Asad

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