Clear Communications

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Expert-conseil en ressources humaines

Date de publication 2023/02/21

Date et heure de clôture 2023/03/23 14:00 HAE

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English Pronunciation for foreign educated professionals

Sound Relationships, written in 1990, by Peggy Kayne of Clear Communications is the most impressive text for helping Newcomers to learn how to use the mouth, tongue and jaw so as to speak clear English. These principles have been used to teach over 2500 foreign educated professionals to be clear and excellent speakers of English in Canada! Clarity in speaking has opened the doors to equal opportunities for professionally trained foreign educated professionals. During the last few years of downsizing and Covid, all courses have been taught online with good success and flexibility for class times! These unique Pronunciation techniques give students the ability to use their mouths to sound like the local Canadians. Graduates get equal opportunities to contribute and integrate and progress in their chosen professions. No more jumbled, unclear speech! These people are integrated Canadians just like their children who grow up here. Regardless of a person’s original country and language, clear speech allows them qualify for any job they were trained for before coming to Canada. Companies are grateful for these well-educated professionals who fill the social and technical hiring requirements. Clear Communications offers a most valuable program!

Prénom Peggy


Nom de famille Kayne

Titre ou poste

Author, Ower, Teacher


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