No More Wait Lists

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Non-profit Child Care Operators

Date de publication 2023/01/23

Date et heure de clôture 2023/02/14 18:00 HNE

No More Wait Lists détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

No More Wait Lists connects child care with clients

NoMoreWaitLists helps child care providers to connect with the clients that need their services by showcasing their business and availability on a user-friendly and intuitive platform • This enables clients/customers to avoid long wait lists by easily viewing whether a business has availability or not. For businesses that utilize NoMoreWaitLists’ paid online booking system, clients/customers can book services directly on the website. • For child care providers and businesses across a wide range of industries, from medical and mental health to senior care, and more, this directory provides them with the online presence they need to generate new clientele.

Prénom Josephine


Nom de famille Marchese

Titre ou poste



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