Maysa Course

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: IAPD Afrique – Évaluation à mi-parcours

Date de publication 2023/01/11

Date et heure de clôture 2023/02/17 13:00 HNE

Maysa Course détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

A learning platform offers school and university students

Maysa Course is a learning platform that offers school and university students on-site and online courses from expert teachers in various academic and technical fields. Our mission is to transform students’ lives and prepare them for a brighter career and future. Maysa Course was founded in 2012 in Lebanon by Maysaa Chedid who is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with the younger generation to empower them and prepare them for a brighter future. ``We are engaged in making a positive impact on our society through learning and education. We assist our students in their learning journey, not only by providing them with academic learning, but also and most importantly by helping them to have a critical and strategic thinking mind, as we believe that building a personality comes first. We have so far provided courses to more than 2,000 students, with the help of 50 teachers and professionals and our aim is to enlarge our services at a national and regional level. Maysa Course is committed to provide anyone, anywhere with the power of learning for a better and successful life.``

Prénom Maysaa


Nom de famille Chedid

Titre ou poste

Founder and director

Poste 71339571


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