Ruhland & Associates Ltd.

est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :

Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Services Profesionels pour le Plan de Lotissement des plaines LeBreton

Date de publication 2022/12/09

Date et heure de clôture 2023/02/14 15:00 HNE

Ruhland & Associates Ltd. détails

Site Web de l’entreprise

Full Landscape Architectural services in Eastern Ontario

Ruhland & Associates Ltd. is an award-winning firm of Landscape Architects with over 30 years’ experience providing professional design services throughout Ottawa and eastern Ontario. We work collaboratively with our clients and multi-disciplinary professional teams on projects that reflect environmental sustainability and social responsibility. We create inspiring and cost-effective solutions to functional and aesthetic requirements. We collaborate with consultants and specialists from many disciplines, including architects, engineers, urban planners, biologists, arborists, environmental and geotechnical specialists, and sports and playground experts. The staff of Ruhland & Associates Ltd have security clearance at reliable or secret level. Services include: Project management Master planning Site planning and design Feasibility studies Inventory and analysis Construction documents Administration services Site visits and supervision Preparation of design and site maintenance guidelines Areas of Expertise include: Landscape management Sustainable tree planting design / reforestation Streetscape and urban tree planting Site planning and urban design Parks & recreation facility design Vegetation analysis / mitigation measures School Play Space, Sports and Amenity Design Accessibility Green roofs design (landscape components) LEED design (landscape components) Brownfield redevelopment (landscape components) Secure Facilities (landscape components)

Prénom Marietta


Nom de famille Ruhland

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