The Witcher Group Incorporated
est intéressé par un partenariat pour cette occasion de marché :
Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Programme Innovation pour la défense, l’excellence et la sécurité (IDEeS) – Appel de propositions 005 (W7714-227982-A)
Date de publication 2021/08/04
Date et heure de clôture 2023/08/03 20:00 HAE
The Witcher Group Incorporated détails
Government Program Management Support and Strategic Planning
The Witcher Group Incorporated is a self-assessed, minority-owned small business, located in the city of Bowie, Prince George’s County, Maryland. The associates range in experience from over 40 years of Program/Project Management and Systems Engineering expertise (on-site SETA) at DoD (USN/USMC) and DHS (CWMD) to young professionals with extensive credentials and fresh ideas. We are a strategic planning consulting firm that uses time-honored planning and management techniques to help government organizations and private businesses meet their objectives. The Witcher Group Incorporated is a S-Corporation owned by Jerrold M. Witcher (President) It was established originally on 29 July 2015 as The Witcher Group, a sole proprietorship. Starting 4 October 2018, The Witcher Group Incorporated was established as an S Corporation and formally recognized by The United States Treasury Department. Services and support provided for Governemnt Program Management Offices (PMO) has included but was not limited to: o Expertise in day-to-day Program Management o DoD ACAT Level I Program Management o DHS Level III Program Management o Strategic Planning o Provided liaison between the Federal Program Managers, Other government activities, contractors, and other stakeholders o Prepared Integrated Management Schedules o Prepared integrated logistics management plans o Prepared acquisition documents o Prepared test and evaluation plans o Provided central coordination and liaison w
Prénom Jerrold
Nom de famille Witcher