Ultra Intelligence and Communications

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Titre de l'avis d'appel d'offres: Mod SIC2Tac

Date de publication 2021/11/02

Date et heure de clôture 2024/09/27 15:00 HAE

Ultra Intelligence and Communications détails

Site Web de l’entreprise http://www.ultra.group/

Develop, deploy, and support: C4ISR, TDL, SA, C2, ADSI, COP.

Ultra delivers specialized technologies and engineering services for critical military capabilities. The Intelligence & Communications Business Unit has contributed to Ultra’s steady growth with the successful deployment of over 2500 fielded tactical data link and command and control systems to US-Joint and coalition forces based on the core Air Defense Systems Integrator (ADSI) Data Link Manager (DLM). Ultra has a proven track record of 30 years developing, fielding and supporting proven, state-of-the-art Situational Awareness and Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) systems and certified data-link technology for multi-domain operations. Our solutions leverage Air Defense Systems Integrator (ADSI) for data link management and gateway services, TacViewC2 user interface for C2 and SA, and Advanced Correlation and Tracking System (ACTS) for multi-sensor correlation and processing. Our systems are in use within all US DoD services and numerous international users, including Canada. As a primary data-forwarding solutions provider between tactical networks, our systems and personnel have supported every major conflict for over 30 years on multiple Air, Land, and Surface platforms. Ultra is leading the way in developing cross-domain intelligence capabilities and advanced analytics with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to enable improved situational understanding, decision making and the successful execution of operations.

Prénom Don


Nom de famille Bergman

Titre ou poste

Director, International Programs

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