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Occasions de marché
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Catégories d'avis
Titre | Catégorie | Date de début ou de modification | Date de clôture | Organisation |
Staffing with Related Services and Solutions | 2024/05/01 | 2024/06/13 | CivicInfoBC | |
Staffing with Related Services and Solutions | Services | 2024/04/25 | 2024/06/13 | Canoe Procurement Group of Canada |
Staffing with Related Services and Solutions | Biens | 2024/06/13 | 2024/06/13 | Saskatchewan Association of Rural… |
Staffing Services and Related Services and Solutions | Services | 2023/01/27 | 2023/01/27 | Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities… |
Staffing & Human Resources | Services | 2023/12/01 | 2027/03/30 | eHealth Saskatchewan |
HealthPRO RFP 03289 Low Pressure Irrigation Solution | Biens | 2024/07/24 | 2024/09/18 | HealthPro Procurement Services Inc. |
04437 RESPIRATORY - SOLUTIONS FOR INHALATION - BAGS AND BOTTLES -… | Biens | 2024/07/10 | 2024/08/21 | HealthPro Procurement Services Inc. |
04437 RESPIRATORY - SOLUTIONS FOR INHALATION - BAGS AND BOTTLES -… | Biens | 2023/06/28 | 2023/08/09 | HealthPro Procurement Services Inc. |
Staffing Consultants - Senior Level | Services | 2018/03/28 | 2018/04/20 | Patrimoine canadien |
Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) - Request for Proposal - Staffing… | Services | 2024/04/25 | 2024/06/13 | Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) |
Titre | Catégorie | Date de l’attribution ou de modification | Date de clôture | Organisation |
AMA Proservices - Apollo Staffing Solutions INC | Services | 2024/02/06 | 2100/01/01 | Ministère des Travaux publics et des… |
AMA Proservices - THE SOURCE STAFFING SOLUTIONS INC. | Services | 2024/02/20 | 2028/07/04 | Ministère des Travaux publics et des… |
AMA Proservices - SRA STAFFING SOLUTIONS LTD. | Services | 2024/02/20 | 2028/07/04 | Ministère des Travaux publics et des… |
AMA Proservices - QMR Staffing Solutions Incorporated | Services | 2024/01/25 | 2028/07/04 | Ministère des Travaux publics et des… |
AMA SPTS (Centrés sur les tâches) - QMR Staffing Solutions Incorporated | Services | 2024/01/27 | 2028/07/04 | Ministère des Travaux publics et des… |
Modif 032 - Harcèlement (services d'enquête) - QMR Staffing… | Services | 2023/07/18 | 2023/03/31 | Ministère des Travaux publics et des… |
AMA Proservices - Design Group Staffing Inc. | Services | 2024/02/20 | 2028/07/04 | Ministère des Travaux publics et des… |
AMA Proservices - Turtle Island Staffing Inc. | Services | 2024/02/20 | 2028/07/04 | Ministère des Travaux publics et des… |
Proservices AMA - FAST TRACK STAFFING INC. | Services | 2024/02/06 | 2028/07/04 | Ministère des Travaux publics et des… |
AMA Proservices - MAXSYS STAFFING and CONSULTING INC. | Services | 2024/02/19 | 2028/07/04 | Ministère des Travaux publics et des… |
Nom de l’entreprise | Numéro du contrat | Organisation | Date de l’attribution ou de modification | Valeur du contrat ou de la modification |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2017/03/30 | CAD 100,275.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2016/09/30 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-105023/001/MCT | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2016/09/28 | CAD 37,013.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2016/03/29 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-105023/001/MCT | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2016/03/10 | CAD 70,540.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-105023/001/MCT | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2016/01/27 | CAD 51,975.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2015/12/22 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094003/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2015/12/22 | CAD 216,160.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 21501-110168/010/STN | Service correctionnel du Canada | 2015/06/30 | CAD 0.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2015/03/30 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094003/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2015/03/27 | CAD 216,160.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-105023/001/MCT | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2015/03/10 | CAD 56,658.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 21501-110168/010/STN | Service correctionnel du Canada | 2014/12/31 | CAD 0.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094001/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2014/11/10 | CAD 149,548.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 21501-110168/010/STN | Service correctionnel du Canada | 2014/08/29 | CAD 0.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2014/04/10 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094003/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2014/03/21 | CAD 216,160.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2014/02/28 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094003/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2014/02/19 | CAD 216,160.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094001/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2014/02/19 | CAD 149,548.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2014/02/19 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-105023/001/MCT | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2014/02/12 | CAD 96,160.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094003/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/11/19 | CAD 216,160.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/09/11 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-105023/001/MCT | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/07/10 | CAD 767,769.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-115001/001/MCT | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/06/03 | CAD 47,670.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/05/30 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/05/21 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/05/01 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/04/18 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/03/27 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094003/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/03/26 | CAD 216,160.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094001/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/03/25 | CAD 149,548.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/03/20 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-105023/001/MCT | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2013/01/14 | CAD 152,650.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2012/12/14 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2012/12/14 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2012/09/11 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2012/06/27 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2012/05/08 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2012/03/19 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094003/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2012/03/15 | CAD 216,160.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094003/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2012/03/15 | CAD 216,160.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/001/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2012/03/15 | CAD 316,435.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094001/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2012/02/20 | CAD 149,548.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094004/001/CAL | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2011/10/12 | CAD 193,900.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-115001/001/MCT | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2011/10/05 | CAD 47,670.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094002/004/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2011/05/17 | CAD 216,160.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-105023/001/MCT | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2011/03/23 | CAD 302,773.00 |
Solutions Staffing Inc | 51019-094003/003/VAN | Anciens Combattants Canada | 2010/11/01 | CAD 216,160.00 |
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