Occasions de marché

Parcourez la liste des occasions de marché et inscrivez-vous aux notifications pour rester informé. Pour télécharger l'information sur les contrats affichée sur AchatsCanada et l'historique des contrats : 

Catégories d'avis

10 of 61137
Liste des avis d'appel d'offres. Les colonnes sont triable par ordre croissant ou décroissant.
Titre Catégorie Date de début ou de modification Date de clôture Organisation
Engineering and Other Survey Services Construction 2023/06/01
2023/06/01 Engineering Services - Northeast Region
Engineering and Other Survey Services Construction 2023/03/16
2023/03/16 Engineering Services - Northeast Region
2023/02/17 Engineering Services - Northwestern Region
Crown Land Survey Coordinator Services 2023/05/26 2023/06/09 Crown Land Opportunities and Restoration…
Engineering and Legal Survey Services Retainer Construction 2025/01/15
2025/01/15 Engineering Services - Western Region
Engineering and Legal Survey Services Retainer Construction 2024/09/06
2024/09/06 Engineering Services - Western Region
SURVEY CONSULTING SERVICES - SURVEY ADVICE AND ANALYSIS Services 2023/04/24 2023/05/08 Implementation and Land Services Branch
As and When Legal Land Survey Services - SIR Services 2023/05/02
2023/05/29 Southern Interior Regional Office
As and When Legal Land Survey Services - NR Services 2023/04/29
2023/05/29 Northern Regional Office
As and When Legal Land Survey Services - SCR Services 2023/04/29
2023/05/29 South Coast Regional Office
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 66765
Liste des avis d'attribution. Les colonnes sont triable par ordre croissant ou décroissant.
Titre Catégorie Date de l’attribution ou de modification Date de clôture Organisation
LEGAL SURVEY AND ENGINEERING SURVEY SERVICES ON RETAINER Construction 2023/03/23 2026/03/23 Engineering Services - Northwestern Region
LEGAL SURVEY AND ENGINEERING SURVEY SERVICES ON RETAINER Construction 2023/03/23 2026/03/23 Engineering Services - Northwestern Region
Engineering and Other Survey Services Construction 2023/07/06 2026/08/08 Engineering Services - Northeast Region
Engineering and Other Survey Services Construction 2023/07/06 2026/08/08 Engineering Services - Northeast Region
LEGAL SURVEY AND ENGINEERING SURVEY SERVICES ON RETAINER Construction 2023/03/23 2026/03/23 Engineering Services - Northwestern Region
6022-E-0040 Engineering Surveys - Highway 17 Construction 2023/04/27 2024/09/01 Engineering Services - Northwestern Region
Modif 004 - Services d'ingenierie - ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND… Services 2024/09/07
2021/12/02 Ministère des Travaux publics et des…
Engineering Survey Retainer covering the entire Central Region area Construction 2023/06/16 2026/06/16 Engineering Services - Central Region
Engineering Survey Retainer covering the entire Central Region area Construction 2023/06/16 2026/06/16 Engineering Services - Central Region
Modif 002 - EP922-180933-006-PWZ - Services De Génie Civil Lourd - ISL… Services 2023/09/26
2023/08/31 Ministère des Travaux publics et des…
50 of 289313
Liste des informations sur l'historique du contrat. Les colonnes sont triable par ordre croissant ou décroissant.
Nom de l’entreprise Numéro du contrat Organisation Date de l’attribution ou de modification Valeur du contrat ou de la modification
Morris Land and Engineering Surveys Inc. E0226-100275/001/PWC Travaux publics et Services… 2009/04/23 CAD 74,996.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES EZ899-231065/001/TPV Ministère des Travaux publics et des… 2025/01/09
CAD 16,086.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES EZ899-231065/001/TPV Ministère des Travaux publics et des… 2024/08/13
CAD 253,746.65
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES EZ899-231065/001/TPV Ministère des Travaux publics et des… 2023/10/24
CAD 74,064.02
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES EZ899-210663/001/TPV Ministère des Travaux publics et des… 2025/01/31
CAD 0.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES EZ899-210663/001/TPV Ministère des Travaux publics et des… 2020/12/17 CAD 0.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES EZ899-162027/002/TPV Ministère des Travaux publics et des… 2024/09/07
CAD 0.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES EZ899-162027/002/TPV Ministère des Travaux publics et des… 2024/09/07
CAD 0.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-231065/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2023/02/27 CAD 378,159.61
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-222481/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2022/12/08 CAD 36,107.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-210663/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2022/11/28 CAD 0.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-231065/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2022/10/11 CAD 32,631.00
ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. EP922-180933/006/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2022/08/30 CAD 750,000.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-222481/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2022/04/22 CAD 36,107.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-220780/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2022/02/18 CAD -1,498.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-220780/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2021/12/08 CAD 4,214.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-220780/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2021/11/17 CAD 15,543.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-220883/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2021/10/14 CAD 38,925.00
ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. EP922-180933/006/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2021/07/30 CAD 750,000.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-220780/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2021/07/08 CAD -28,487.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-220780/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2021/07/07 CAD 35,000.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. F1700-204352/003/TPV Pêches et Océans Canada 2021/04/30 CAD 1,000,000.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-202558/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2021/03/04 CAD 20,158.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-190154/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2021/02/25 CAD 60,123.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-211830/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2020/11/24 CAD 41,795.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-211200/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2020/09/23 CAD 31,383.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-210963/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2020/09/17 CAD 28,840.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-202558/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2020/05/27 CAD 45,078.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-162027/002/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2020/05/14 CAD 0.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-193114/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2020/03/31 CAD 21,760.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-190154/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2020/03/30 CAD 60,123.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-203053/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2020/02/26 CAD 3,470.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-202558/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2020/02/18 CAD 24,920.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-200991/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2019/08/08 CAD 44,813.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-191600/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2019/06/26 CAD 38,951.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-191600/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2019/05/09 CAD 9,900.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-190154/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2019/03/29 CAD 60,123.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-191600/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2019/03/28 CAD 38,951.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-193317/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2019/03/22 CAD 22,857.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-193114/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2019/03/06 CAD 21,760.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-192705/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2019/02/25 CAD 14,013.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-190266/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2019/02/20 CAD 55,668.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-162027/002/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2019/02/19 CAD 0.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-191600/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2018/10/05 CAD 38,951.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-191600/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2018/09/20 CAD 29,051.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-190266/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2018/06/06 CAD -21,557.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-190266/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2018/05/30 CAD 92,041.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-190154/001/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2018/05/08 CAD 60,123.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-162027/002/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2018/04/25 CAD 0.00
ISL ENGINEERING AND LAND SERVICES LTD. EZ899-162027/002/TPV Travaux publics et Services… 2018/04/25 CAD 0.00

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