Entretien d’AchatsCanada

Le site web AchatsCanada et SAP Ariba seront hors service pour un entretien planifié aux heures indiquées ci-dessous. Nous nous excusons pour tout inconvénient. 

  • AchatsCanada le vendredi 14 février à 19h00 au 16 février à 19h00 (heure de l’Est)
  • SAP Ariba le samedi 15 février 19h00 à 22h59 (heure de l’Est)

Occasions de marché

Parcourez la liste des occasions de marché et inscrivez-vous aux notifications pour rester informé. Pour télécharger l'information sur les contrats affichée sur AchatsCanada et l'historique des contrats : 

Catégories d'avis

10 of 62138
Liste des avis d'appel d'offres. Les colonnes sont triable par ordre croissant ou décroissant.
Titre Catégorie Date de début ou de modification Date de clôture Organisation
Government of B.C. - Corporate Supply Arrangements (CSA) 2022/10/19 2022/11/01 City of Port Coquitlam
Government of B.C. - Corporate Supply Arrangements (CSAs) 2023/06/13 2023/06/27 City of Port Coquitlam
Government of B.C. - Corporate Supply Arrangements (CSAs) 2023/06/13 2023/06/27 City of Port Coquitlam
RFP-The Development of a Green Government Fleet Assessment Services 2024/12/19 2025/01/28 Department of Public Works
Government of Alberta Service Desk Services 2024/02/16
2024/02/19 Technology and Innovation
Government of B.C. - Corporate Supply Arrangements (CSAs) 2024/04/29 2024/05/16 City of Port Coquitlam
2024/06/30 Consumer Protection and Government…
Provision of Accommodation Services Across Manitoba Services 2024/06/30
2024/06/30 Consumer Protection and Government…
Prelim. Des. of Major Rehab. of Bridge Rehabilitation over Lake Manitoba… Construction 2024/03/07
2024/03/07 Manitoba Infrastructure - Contract…
Government of Yukon Corporate Financial System Projects Services 2022/12/08 2023/02/06 Yukon
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 11395
Liste des avis d'attribution. Les colonnes sont triable par ordre croissant ou décroissant.
Titre Catégorie Date de l’attribution ou de modification Date de clôture Organisation
Modif 004 - Etudes sur la medecine et la sante - Government of the… Services 2024/01/24
2025/03/31 Agence de la santé publique du Canada (…
Modif 006 - Service de collecte des donnees - GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST… Services 2024/02/21
2025/03/31 Agence de la santé publique du Canada (…
Modif 000 - Services de consultation - Commissionaires Manitoba Services 2023/08/22
2026/02/07 Ministère des Travaux publics et des…
AMA Proservices - Oliver Wyman Government Services ULC Services 2024/11/12
2100/01/01 Ministère des Travaux publics et des…
Provision of Biological Materials Cleaning Services Services 2023/11/10 2026/10/31 Consumer Protection and Government…
Modif 003 - Services de blanchissage - 5927324 Manitoba Ltd Services 2024/03/31
2024/03/31 Ministère de la Défense nationale (MDN)
JANITORIAL SERVICES – PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MORDEN & BRANDON, MANITOBA Services, Biens 2023/07/20 2028/11/30 Manitoba Hydro
JANITORIAL SERVICES – PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MORDEN & BRANDON, MANITOBA Biens, Services 2023/07/20 2028/09/30 Manitoba Hydro
GRASS MOWING SERVICES AT MTI WEIGH SCALE LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT MANITOBA Services 2024/05/23 2025/05/31 Manitoba Transportation and…
HELICOPTER SERVICES FOR LAKE MANITOBA/LAKE ST. MARTIN OUTLET CHANNELS Services 2024/08/07 2025/08/11 Manitoba Transportation and…
50 of 43400
Liste des informations sur l'historique du contrat. Les colonnes sont triable par ordre croissant ou décroissant.
Nom de l’entreprise Numéro du contrat Organisation Date de l’attribution ou de modification Valeur du contrat ou de la modification
Government of Manitoba EW003-102441/004/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2011/01/28 CAD 90,048.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-210603/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2021/03/31 CAD 85,725.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-210660/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2021/02/04 CAD 29,184.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-210603/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2021/02/04 CAD 85,725.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102886/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2016/03/03 CAD 1,260,000.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102886/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2015/03/10 CAD 1,260,000.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102890/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2015/03/10 CAD 262,500.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102890/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2014/03/26 CAD 262,500.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102886/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2013/04/01 CAD 1,260,000.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102890/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2013/04/01 CAD 262,500.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102890/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2012/03/08 CAD 262,500.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102890/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2012/03/08 CAD 26,250.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102886/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2012/03/08 CAD 1,260,000.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102890/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2011/02/07 CAD 262,500.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102886/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2011/02/07 CAD 1,260,000.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102890/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2011/02/07 CAD 262,500.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102886/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2011/02/07 CAD 1,260,000.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102886/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2010/03/25 CAD 1,260,000.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102890/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2010/03/25 CAD 236,250.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-210660/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2021/03/31 CAD 29,184.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102890/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2016/03/03 CAD 262,500.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102886/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2014/03/26 CAD 1,260,000.00
Government of the Province of Manitoba EW038-102886/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2012/03/08 CAD 1,260,000.00
CancerCare Manitoba 6D023-204095/002/SS Agence de la santé publique du Canada (… 2024/01/24
CAD 62,000.00
Government of Nunavut EW003-102441/003/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2011/01/28 CAD 9,192.00
Government of Nunavut 5P419-16A001/001/STN Parcs Canada 2017/02/01 CAD 22,312.00
Government of Nunavut 5P419-16A001/001/STN Parcs Canada 2016/08/03 CAD 290,475.00
Government of Northwest Territories EW038-210600/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2022/03/06 CAD 157,909.00
Government of Northwest Territories EW038-210602/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2022/03/06 CAD 52,422.60
Government of Northwest Territories EW038-210600/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2021/03/17 CAD 157,909.00
Government of Northwest Territories EW038-210602/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2021/03/17 CAD 52,422.60
Government of Northwest Territories EW038-210602/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2020/12/14 CAD 26,503.00
Government of Northwest Territories EW038-210600/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2020/12/14 CAD 157,909.00
GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA H4133-164361/001/WPG Ministère des Travaux publics et des… 2017/03/02 CAD 573,951.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 6D023-193741/012/SS Agence de la santé publique du Canada 2023/02/02 CAD -15,000.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 6D023-193741/012/SS Agence de la santé publique du Canada 2023/02/02 CAD 154,462.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 6D023-193741/012/SS Agence de la santé publique du Canada 2022/04/28 CAD -15,000.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 6D023-193741/012/SS Agence de la santé publique du Canada 2021/03/09 CAD 137,150.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 6D023-193741/012/SS Agence de la santé publique du Canada 2020/04/16 CAD 138,150.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES EW038-102911/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2014/07/23 CAD 47,250.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES EW038-102887/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2014/03/26 CAD 551,250.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES EW038-102911/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2014/03/26 CAD 47,250.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES EW038-102887/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2012/03/08 CAD 708,750.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES EW038-102887/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2011/02/07 CAD 708,750.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES EW038-102911/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2010/07/05 CAD 47,250.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 6D023-193741/012/SS Agence de la santé publique du Canada 2022/02/09 CAD 140,701.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES EW038-102911/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2011/02/07 CAD 47,250.00
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHWEST TERRITORIES EW038-102887/001/EDM Travaux publics et Services… 2010/06/18 CAD 157,500.00
The University of Manitoba 01799-120603/001/MCT Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada 2012/03/15 CAD 89,775.00
The University of Manitoba 01799-120603/001/MCT Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada 2012/02/24 CAD 89,775.00

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