Entretien du système SAP Ariba

En raison d'entretien planifié, SAP Ariba ne sera pas disponible aux heures indiquées ci-dessous. Nous nous excusons pour tout inconvénient.

  • le samedi 08 février de 19h00 à 23h00 (heure de l’Est)

Occasions de marché

Parcourez la liste des occasions de marché et inscrivez-vous aux notifications pour rester informé. Pour télécharger l'information sur les contrats affichée sur AchatsCanada et l'historique des contrats : 

Catégories d'avis

10 of 85329
Liste des avis d'appel d'offres. Les colonnes sont triable par ordre croissant ou décroissant.
Titre Catégorie Date de début ou de modification Date de clôture Organisation
Construction de quai - Graham’s Pond, Gaspereaux (Î.-P.-É.) Construction 2016/05/17
2016/05/18 Travaux publics et Services…
Engineering and Construction Administration Consultant Services - Snow… Services 2024/03/25
2024/04/10 Forestry and Parks
Design, Engineering and Construction Administration - Wabamun… Services 2024/04/30
2024/05/09 Forestry and Parks
Lighting Design Engineering and Construction Administration 2024/11/22
2024/12/02 Sunshine Coast Regional District
Engineering Servicing Standards and Standard Construction Specifications… Services 2023/03/02
2023/03/03 Wood Buffalo
Engineering and Other Survey Services Construction 2023/03/16
2023/03/16 Engineering Services - Northeast Region
Engineering and Other Survey Services Construction 2023/06/01
2023/06/01 Engineering Services - Northeast Region
Design, Engineering and Construction Administration - Long Lake… Services 2024/05/23
2024/05/30 Forestry and Parks
Engineering and Legal Survey Services Retainer Construction 2025/01/15
2025/01/15 Engineering Services - Western Region
Engineering and Legal Survey Services Retainer Construction 2024/09/06
2024/09/06 Engineering Services - Western Region
Displaying 1 - 10 of
10 of 22297
Liste des avis d'attribution. Les colonnes sont triable par ordre croissant ou décroissant.
Titre Catégorie Date de l’attribution ou de modification Date de clôture Organisation
RFPQ of Design Builders for Interchange Construction at PTH 100 and PTH 3 Construction 2024/08/02 2025/10/10 Manitoba Transportation and…
Construction de quai - Graham’s Pond, Gaspereaux (Î.-P.-É.) Construction 2016/05/27 N / A Travaux publics et Services…
Modif 001 - Chauffage (sauf le chauffage electrique) et climatisation -… Services 2023/12/19
2023/12/29 Ministère des Travaux publics et des…
LEGAL SURVEY AND ENGINEERING SURVEY SERVICES ON RETAINER Construction 2023/03/23 2026/03/23 Engineering Services - Northwestern Region
LEGAL SURVEY AND ENGINEERING SURVEY SERVICES ON RETAINER Construction 2023/03/23 2026/03/23 Engineering Services - Northwestern Region
LEGAL SURVEY AND ENGINEERING SURVEY SERVICES ON RETAINER Construction 2023/03/23 2026/03/23 Engineering Services - Northwestern Region
Engineering and Other Survey Services Construction 2023/07/06 2026/08/08 Engineering Services - Northeast Region
Engineering and Other Survey Services Construction 2023/07/06 2026/08/08 Engineering Services - Northeast Region
Construction Management Services Construction 2024/06/12 2029/03/30 Asset Management Division
Reconstruction du quai de Graham's Pond, Graham's Pond, comté… Construction 2012/08/28 N / A Travaux publics et Services…
50 of 104486
Liste des informations sur l'historique du contrat. Les colonnes sont triable par ordre croissant ou décroissant.
Nom de l’entreprise Numéro du contrat Organisation Date de l’attribution ou de modification Valeur du contrat ou de la modification
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 21120-175112/001/PWZ Service correctionnel du Canada 2019/04/05 CAD 55,902.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 21120-175112/001/PWZ Service correctionnel du Canada 2018/11/06 CAD 256,880.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 21120-175112/001/PWZ Service correctionnel du Canada 2018/04/12 CAD 10,703.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 21120-175112/001/PWZ Service correctionnel du Canada 2018/04/12 CAD 11,541.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 21120-175112/001/PWZ Service correctionnel du Canada 2017/06/29 CAD 9,578,000.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 21120-175112/001/PWZ Service correctionnel du Canada 2018/04/12 CAD 107,939.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 21120-175112/001/PWZ Service correctionnel du Canada 2017/11/16 CAD 6,141.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2022/04/12 CAD 87,146.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2021/09/11 CAD 26,164.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2021/07/22 CAD 21,149.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2021/04/20 CAD 36,730.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2021/02/22 CAD -3,228.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2021/01/12 CAD 23,274.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2020/11/19 CAD 30,315.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2020/10/08 CAD 157,120.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2020/09/28 CAD 57,614.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2020/07/31 CAD 37,047.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2020/06/12 CAD 52,483.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2020/04/16 CAD -1,260.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2019/10/21 CAD 15,838.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2019/10/21 CAD 20,747.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2019/04/15 CAD 17,299,000.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2016/03/16 CAD 983.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2016/02/03 CAD 6,763.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/12/11 CAD 6,086.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/12/09 CAD 11,507.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/12/09 CAD -1,029.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/12/09 CAD 171,626.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/10/20 CAD 4,235.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/10/01 CAD 20,559.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/09/17 CAD -51,557.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/09/15 CAD 8,648.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/09/14 CAD 36,094.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/09/14 CAD 17,435.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/05/12 CAD -8,663.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/04/23 CAD 6,974,783.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/04/20 CAD 10,307.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/03/09 CAD 7,059.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2014/09/19 CAD 6,974,783.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2022/04/12 CAD 18,156.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2021/05/23 CAD 30,563.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2020/07/14 CAD 378,000.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2020/05/27 CAD 21,731.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2020/03/18 CAD 365,912.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP 5P427-180003/001/PWU Parcs Canada 2020/03/02 CAD 30,604.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/10/26 CAD 48,008.00
GRAHAM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING LP EW038-150285/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2015/02/24 CAD 50,730.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP ET025-140981/001/PWZ Service correctionnel du Canada 2013/09/27 CAD 352,590.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP ET025-170450/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2016/09/15 CAD 964,760.00
Graham Construction and Engineering LP ET025-151093/001/PWZ Travaux publics et Services… 2016/09/15 CAD 29,995.00

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