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Occasions de marché
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Catégories d'avis
Date de début ou de modification
Date de clôture
Microwave Passive Reflectors | 2024/09/25 | 2024/10/09 | British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority | |
Microwave Measuring Receiver ADA24025 Demande de propositions | Biens | 2024/06/10 | 2024/06/26 | OTAN - l’Agence Organisation du Traité… |
ITQ PHSA 11497 Microwave Ablation System | 2023/05/18 | 2023/06/06 | Vancouver Island Health Authority | |
BLH Microwave and Antenna Installation | 2024/01/18 | 2024/02/07 | British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority | |
Microwave Measurement Receiver (MMR) for calibration lab 24PDS001… | Biens | 2024/05/14 | 2024/05/26 | OTAN - l’Agence Organisation du Traité… |
Req 42239 - New Microwave Digestor System | Biens | 2024/08/27 | 2024/09/16 | Ministry of Environment and Climate… |
eysight Technologies FieldFox Microwave Analyser | Services reliés aux biens | 2019/11/01 | 2019/11/21 | Ministère de la défense nationale |
Alberta Innovates - Request for Quotes - MICROWAVE SYSTEM | Biens | 2024/04/22 | 2024/05/06 | Alberta Innovates |
Roads Engineering Services | Services | 2024/05/08 | 2024/05/22 | Coastal Engineering Group |
Engineering and Other Survey Services | Construction | 2023/03/16 | 2023/03/16 | Engineering Services - Northeast Region |
Date de l’attribution ou de modification
Date de clôture
Northwestern Region Foundations Engineering Services Retainer | Construction | 2023/07/19 | 2025/07/18 | Engineering Services - Northwestern Region |
Geotechnical Engineering Services Retainer (Northwestern Region) | Construction | 2024/04/16 | 2026/04/15 | Engineering Services - Northwestern Region |
Geotechnical Engineering Services Retainer (Northwestern Region) | Construction | 2024/04/16 | 2026/04/15 | Engineering Services - Northwestern Region |
Geotechnical Engineering Services Retainer (Northwestern Region) | Construction | 2023/06/19 | 2025/06/30 | Engineering Services - Northwestern Region |
Geotechnical Engineering Services Retainer (Northwestern Region) | Construction | 2023/06/19 | 2025/06/30 | Engineering Services - Northwestern Region |
Northwestern Region Foundations Engineering Services Retainer | Construction | 2024/11/21 | 2026/10/31 | Engineering Services - Northwestern Region |
Northwestern Region Foundations Engineering Services Retainer | Construction | 2024/10/21 | 2026/10/31 | Engineering Services - Northwestern Region |
6022-E-0040 Engineering Surveys - Highway 17 | Construction | 2023/04/27 | 2024/09/01 | Engineering Services - Northwestern Region |
LEGAL SURVEY AND ENGINEERING SURVEY SERVICES ON RETAINER | Construction | 2023/03/23 | 2026/03/23 | Engineering Services - Northwestern Region |
LEGAL SURVEY AND ENGINEERING SURVEY SERVICES ON RETAINER | Construction | 2023/03/23 | 2026/03/23 | Engineering Services - Northwestern Region |
Nom de l’entreprise
Numéro du contrat
Date de l’attribution ou de modification
Valeur du contrat ou de la modification
microwave engineering corp | W8482-230898/001/QF | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2023/09/21 | CAD 259,934.00 |
microwave engineering corp | W8482-230898/001/QF | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2023/07/25 | CAD 259,934.00 |
microwave engineering corp | W8482-230898/001/QF | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2023/06/16 | CAD 259,934.00 |
microwave engineering corp | W8482-230898/001/QF | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2023/05/11 | CAD 259,934.00 |
microwave engineering corp | W8482-230898/001/QF | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2022/12/22 | CAD 259,934.00 |
microwave engineering corp | W355B-110892/001/HAL | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2010/09/17 | CAD 4,990.00 |
microwave engineering corp | W8482-230898/001/QF | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2023/10/26 | CAD 259,934.00 |
microwave engineering corp | W8482-230898/001/QF | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2023/08/29 | CAD 259,934.00 |
microwave engineering corp | W355B-110892/001/HAL | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2010/09/15 | CAD 4,990.00 |
Quadro Engineering Corp. | 31184-189088/001/PV | Conseil national de recherches du Canada | 2018/08/23 | CAD 77,401.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | K4E21-140583/001/WPG | Environnement Canada | 2016/12/01 | CAD 32,500.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | K4E21-140583/001/WPG | Environnement Canada | 2015/12/03 | CAD 32,500.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | K2F51-134126/001/VAN | Environnement Canada | 2014/01/20 | CAD 32,520.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | F5238-090008/001/HAL | Pêches et Océans Canada | 2009/05/19 | CAD 40,000.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | F5248-080069/001/HAL | Pêches et Océans Canada | 2009/01/09 | CAD 16,000.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | K4B20-210760/001/MCT | Environnement Canada | 2021/01/29 | CAD 456,300.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | K2F51-210401/001/VAN | Environnement Canada | 2020/11/10 | CAD 72,956.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | K2F51-190863/001/VAN | Environnement Canada | 2019/01/31 | CAD 42,770.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | K4E21-140583/001/WPG | Environnement Canada | 2015/01/06 | CAD 32,500.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | K4E21-130592/001/EDM | Environnement Canada | 2013/12/05 | CAD 32,500.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | F5238-130051/001/HAL | Pêches et Océans Canada | 2013/07/10 | CAD 56,000.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | K2F51-094042/001/XSB | Environnement Canada | 2010/12/24 | CAD 27,500.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | F5238-100045/001/HAL | Pêches et Océans Canada | 2010/07/08 | CAD 55,200.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | K2F51-094140/001/VAN | Environnement Canada | 2010/02/25 | CAD 63,229.00 |
Microwave Telemetry Inc. | F5238-090061/001/HAL | Pêches et Océans Canada | 2009/08/25 | CAD 63,280.00 |
Quadro Engineering Corp. | 01B30-190189/001/MTA | Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada | 2018/08/28 | CAD 76,418.00 |
High Engineering Corp. | W3554-115971/001/HAL | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2010/11/05 | CAD 15,180.00 |
Spectrum Microwave | W7714-125500/001/PY | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2011/12/20 | CAD 9,123.00 |
Apollo Microwaves Ltd | W8482-156530/001/FX | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2015/04/30 | CAD 121,785.00 |
Hittite Microwave Corporation | W0046-09Q536/001/KIN | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2009/01/20 | CAD 15,992.00 |
NoiseTech Microwaves Ltd. | UT849-209011/001/SC | INNOV, SCI ECON DEVT CAN | 2020/03/27 | CAD 76,763.00 |
NoiseTech Microwaves Ltd. | UT849-209011/001/SC | INNOV, SCI ECON DEVT CAN | 2021/02/25 | CAD 76,763.00 |
NoiseTech Microwaves Ltd. | UT849-209011/001/SC | INNOV, SCI ECON DEVT CAN | 2020/11/12 | CAD 76,763.00 |
NoiseTech Microwaves Ltd. | UT849-209011/001/SC | INNOV, SCI ECON DEVT CAN | 2019/09/25 | CAD 76,763.00 |
TIMES MICROWAVE SYSTEMS INC. | W7714-186562/001/HN | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2018/06/13 | CAD 2,759,098.00 |
Ferrite Microwave Technologies, LLC | 01B30-180263/001/MTA | Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada | 2017/11/21 | CAD 231,814.00 |
Ferrite Microwave Technologies, LLC | 01B30-180263/001/MTA | Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada | 2017/10/20 | CAD 231,814.00 |
TIMES MICROWAVE SYSTEMS INC. | W8485-114963/003/BY | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2011/07/22 | CAD 20,084.00 |
AME Materials Engineering | EP168-130453/001/FE | Travaux publics et Services… | 2013/03/21 | CAD 25,358.00 |
AME Materials Engineering | EP785-130095/001/FE | Travaux publics et Services… | 2012/05/11 | CAD 4,077.00 |
AME Materials Engineering | EP168-130453/001/FE | Travaux publics et Services… | 2014/08/13 | CAD 25,358.00 |
AME Materials Engineering | EP168-130453/001/FE | Travaux publics et Services… | 2013/10/10 | CAD 25,358.00 |
AME Materials Engineering | EP168-131188/001/FE | Travaux publics et Services… | 2013/05/27 | CAD -5,923.00 |
AME Materials Engineering | EJ076-131760/001/FE | Travaux publics et Services… | 2013/01/17 | CAD -5,799.00 |
AME Materials Engineering | EJ076-131760/001/FE | Travaux publics et Services… | 2012/10/04 | CAD 9,003.00 |
AME Materials Engineering | EP168-131188/001/FE | Travaux publics et Services… | 2012/09/07 | CAD 25,680.00 |
AME Materials Engineering | EP168-130453/001/FE | Travaux publics et Services… | 2012/05/24 | CAD 25,358.00 |
AME Materials Engineering | EP168-130452/001/FE | Travaux publics et Services… | 2012/05/24 | CAD 9,118.00 |
Diamond Antenna and Microwave Corporation | W0046-10Q851/001/KIN | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2009/09/29 | CAD 6,832.00 |
Kern Engineering and Mfg Corp | W8474-17NF22/001/QE | Ministère de la défense nationale | 2017/01/19 | CAD 41,262.00 |
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