Prototype de platformeExCore - LRPDP
Numéro de sollicitation 9F052-140053/A
Date de publication
Date et heure de clôture 2014/09/12 14:00 HAE
Date de la dernière modification
Entente sur le commerce : AUCUNE Processus de demande des soumissions : Pièce jointe : Aucune Stratégie d'approvisionnement concurrentielle : Meilleure proposition globale Entente sur les revendications territoriales globales : Non Nature des besoins : PROJECT TITLE Lunar Rover Platform & Drivetrain Prototype (LRPDP) An amendment is issued for: : À page 2 of 60 of the Request for Proposal, delete in its entirety: RFP to result in one (1) contract, which is expected to begin September 2014. Total potential contract value is estimated at $3,250,000.00 (tax extra), which includes a reserve of $750,000.00. That information does not apply to the present project. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT With this Request for Proposals (RFP), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) plans to award one (1) contract through the Canadian Space Agency's (CSA's) Exploration Core (ExCore) program to deliver a Lunar Rover Plarform & Drivetrain Prototype (LRPDP) based on the proposed Lunar Tele-Operated ISRU (Lunar In-Situ Resources Utilization) Platform compliant concepts including: a) The Technology Readiness Level (TRL 6) Lunar Rover Drivetrain Prototype (LRDP): The LRDP is a complete drivetrain set for a lunar rover, i.e capable of handling all the wheel on each side of the rover, which will be subject to rigorous testing: thermo-vacuum, regolith simulant exposure (dirty-chamber) and relevant radiation testing. b) The (TRL4) Lunar Rover Chassis Prototype (LRCP): The purpose of the TRL 4 LRCP is to provide a chassis and the required power and electronics to host the drivetrain and provide a functional remotely controlled LRPDP that can be used in terrestrial analogye testing and future sub-system development operated via a standard Radio Frequency (RD) remote commanding device. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS No security requirements apply to this project. PERIOD OF CONTRACT From September 22nd, 2014 to December 18th, 2015 ACTUAL BUDGET AVAILABLE The budget available for contracts resulting from this bid solicitation is $2,500,000.00, all applicable taxes extra, as appropriate. Appendix A (Statement of Work) includes a description of the work required. The maximum amount of funding available for the contract will not exceed $2,500,000.00, all applicable taxes extra, as appropriate. Bids valued in excess of this amount will be considered non-responsive. This disclosure does not commit Canada to pay the maximum funding available. BASIS OF PAYMENT Firm price with milestone payments. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The Intellectual Property will belong to the Contractor CANADIAN CONTENT The requirement is limted to Canadian goods and/or services All specifications are detailed in the document entitled Request for Proposal (RFP). This PWGSC office provides acquisition services to the public in both official languages Date de livraison : Indiquée ci-dessus L'État se réserve le droit de négocier les conditions de tout marché avec les fournisseurs. Les documents peuvent être présentés dans l'une ou l'autre des langues officielles du Canada.
Durée du contrat
Voir la description ci-dessus pour voir tous les détails.
Accords commerciaux
Aucun accord commercial n'est applicable à ce processus de sollicitation
Organisation contractante
- Organisation
Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada
- Adresse
11, rue Laurier, Phase III, Place du PortageGatineau, Québec, K1A 0S5Canada
- Autorité contractante
- Paquin, Esther
- Numéro de téléphone
- (514) 496-3889 ( )
- Télécopieur
- (514) 496-3822
- Adresse
Place Bonaventure, portail Sud-Est
800, rue de La Gauchetière Ouest
7 ième étageMontréal, Québec, H5A 1L6
Organisation(s) d'achat
- Organisation
Agence spatiale canadienne
- Adresse
6767, Route de l'AéroportSaint-Hubert, Québec, J3Y 8Y9Canada
Détails de l'offre
Tous les détails concernant cette occasion de marché sont disponibles dans les documents ci-dessous. Cliquez sur le nom du document pour télécharger le fichier. Communiquez avec l'agent(e) de négociation des contrats si vous avez des questions concernant ces documents.
Titre du document | Numéro de la modification | Langue | Téléchargements unique | Date de l’ajout |
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